Monday, August 14, 2006

guess who the kitty looks like....

OK guys, who does this kitty look like?


Scott said...

Photo Shop?

Sickboy said...

no this is NOT a photo shop job, this cat is all real.

Scott said...

Is the cat yours?

Sickboy said...

no, the cat is not mine but I know who the owner is.

dad-e~O said...


Mark M said...

Eric, my first impression was the same as Scott's -- the mustache looks PhotoShopped. So I did a little research...

The file name "hitlerkatze" is German, suggesting German origin, but this is not conclusive. Maybe someone was trying to be clever. But when I Google "hitlerkatze", I get mostly German-language websites, and an earliest verified appearance on February 9, 2004 (at If you go to the link, you can see that the mustache in your version has been enhanced from the original.

Proving that the internet has indeed lived up to its promise of being an "information superhighway," there exists an entire website for cats that look like Hitler. It's called, oddly enough, "Hitlerkatze" is there under the name "Unknown Kitler." The image was posted on June 30.

As for your claim that you know who the owner is... You might know of a cat that looks similar, but is it this cat?

Scott said...

Eric, ____ ____ pants on fire!

Mark, in your previous life were you by chance a famous detctive? Nice work.

dad-e~O said...

offering the benifit of the doubt.
Mabye Eric's gonna have to kick some ass. some douche-bag could have told him it was his cat when sending him the pic. And Eric being the trusting sort beleived him?

Sickboy said...

yeah, I have chatted with the person before, and they have sent me claims that this was their cat and I never paid much attention to it being photoshopped before. Its all interesting nonetheless.

Sickboy said...

yeah after really really looking at it, you can tell the 'stache is photoshopped in. I just th ought it was funny anyways. thanks for the research mark. I need not be called a damn liar becasue I was duped....I really didnt know.

Scott said...

Sorry Eric, I meant no harm only poking fun at you. I work with photo shop nearly every day, and bad corrections simply look obvious to me. You should check out Worth1000, to see the good and the bad in the world of Photo manipulation.