Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I cant believe it is already close to mid August. Pretty soon the leaves will be changing and soon after that the first frost shall appear on our lawns and cars. A short while after that, we will begin getting together Christmas lists and holiday gift ideas. Here are a few quick tips to start thinking about those very things...a few easy ways to avoid spending money!

How to Buy Nothing
People usually go to shopping malls for fun, but in the end, they buy stuff that they do not actually need. Obviously, this is a waste of one's own resources and therefore is not good for one's own self. Here are some simple ways on how to avoid buying things you don't need.

Leave the money at home. The easiest way of not buying anything is simply not to take any cash, credit cards, or anything of the sort with you.
Go with some friends. Enjoy yourselves so much that you don't even feel like buying anything. This may not seem easy.

Avoid shopping malls altogether, if possible. Find other places to hang out where there are not so many spending temptations.

Before buying something, ask yourself if you can get it for free through avenues such as Freecycle or Craigslist, whether you can trade something you already have for it, or whether it can be borrowed.

If you are roaming around alone, keep yourself engrossed in yourself so that you don't focus on your surroundings. Concentrate on where you are going, but pay no attention to businesses like stores or restaurants.

If you see something that you think you just have to have, really study it. Stare at it for several minutes. Think of why you need it. Do you really need it? Will you die without it?


dad-e~O said...

the only building I like less then the dentist office?
the Mall

Sickboy said...

yeah, Im with you on this one 100%. Going to the mall is hell, even IF you have a purpose. Just seeing all those kids, the sales, the annoying food courts...all of it is just evil.

dad-e~O said...

not to mention the consant reminder of how glad I am that I had boy children, do you see the outfits these teenage girls are wearing. I've seen hookers with more clothes on.

Scott said...

Easy guys, the shopping mall is my bread and butter.

Sickboy said...

yeah the thought of some of those outfits makes me skin crawl.

dad-e~O said...

sorry Scott, didn't mean step on your toes.