Friday, August 04, 2006

it ain't me, babe

So, I googled my self today, the top 2 hit's were me (here, and, then # 4 was a link to a prespaterian priest of all things, in Australia.
another tech question, How can I make it so that my "blogger" profile doesn't come up when someone googles my name. It would be problematic if my team-members found some of my rants here.


Sickboy said...

to be honest with you, I dont think you can.

Martin said...

Just tell them it must be some other Peter Barson whose life parallels yours to a frightening degree. Deny til you die.

I googled myself, hee hee, and there are like a bajillion Michael Martins. One of them is an outspoken atheist prof at Boston U. and another is some polygraph tech who has a phoney-baloney docterate degree from an unaccredited school. Fun stuff.


Scott said...

Pete you just need an Australian Pop Star. to share your name.