Friday, August 25, 2006

Just one adventure of Frank behind the wheel!

Last Friday a few of us reminisced on one or two of Franks more note worthy driving escapades. There was of course many a tail to be told on this subject. I of course having one of my own thought I might share with all of you.

Although I do not in fact remember who besides my self and Frank was in the car on this one unique dark rainy evening. Nor do I remember where we had been or what we had been doing. I do remember the car being full! Frank possibly Eric in front and four of us in the back which is no small feet in a Trans Am. I was in the middle, a person to my right and two possibly Pat and some girl on his lap was on my left.

The fact that Bauhaus was blaring to the point of distortion out of the blue Trans Am’s speakers as we screamed though a NW suburban residential street was nothing unusual. In fact when Frank had made his left turn down Concord, I thought it was only curious and wondered just what he was up to. There were several ways into his neighbor hood and to his house, this one however was not a direct rout, it did in fact required an extra right turn. What bothered me about this scenario on this very dark rainy night was that very familiar suburban visual similarity from one street to the next. Did Frank intend on driving down Concord or did he believe us to be on Lexington the next street south and a direct rout to his house? I thought this only for a moment (because that is all the time I had) that Frank in his Bauhaus fueled fast driving trance was not actually aware of which street we were really on, and that this street unlike Lexington, has a T at the end of it! My terror was only confirmed seconds later when we finally reached this T and were not slowing at all!

I winced and tried to find a place to hide while seated on my unpadded center hump, when some one in front finally yelled FRANK! Then almost inaudibly there was a whow sound that emerged from Frank’s mouth as he seemed to react… to late? OH Crap! This is not going to end well is all I could think to my self, as we hit the curb at the T with a thud.

Some how miraculously the impact of the curb bounded us over the storm sewer that protruded 8 muffler tearing inches out of the grass on the easement. Now all we had to do was clear two large trees and a house lying beyond that, and all would be saved. With the blink of an eye and lots of slippery wet grass beneath us we were past these trees and Miraculously Frank now seemed once again in control as we made the turn avoiding a collision with the house. Frank was in fact once again flouting his driving prowess (what else would you expect from Frank). We had made it, and now all that remained was to leave a really sweet lawn job on the remaining grass which as I recall included more than one fish tail.

Moments later we were all back at Franks house, a little shaken but all laughing with exhilaration it sure made for a good laugh that night, and is just another testament to Franks legendary driving ability….albeit that is when he is paying attention!


Sickboy said...

scott, I was not in the car that night....I think Suzi was, IM sure you remember her. It was mostly females I think. Anyways, I remember hearing this story several times though, at least once from you.

Scott said...

Frank, you are in our thoughts and prayers.

dad-e~O said...

Driving is scarry.

dad-e~O said...

Nice pic

dad-e~O said...

my new desk top