Friday, August 25, 2006

Re instating the draft?!?!

Did you boys see this article te other day.

Sorry I'm a bit behind the time, but I've been working a lot.

Will this "Back Door Draft" lead to the real thing?
Do you think those of us with boy children need to be concerned? Mabye not Scott, Colin is a bit small.
I'm not sure I would count myself on the list of people who say the country would be a better place if we had a mandatory draft. As a matter of fact I didn't even like signing the Selective Service card when I turned 18.

Not even getting into conversation about the "just-ness" of this war, could you imagine thinking you were in the clear, and then blammo, back into the shit with you.


Scott said...

Yeah, just like the good old days when hippy draft dodgers left home for Canada, and lawful kids didn’t come home at all. I guess times don’t change though, the children of our leaders don’t fight in this war either… only us chumps and our kids. It is a lousy day when you wake up and realize that because of your social standing you are basically just cannon fodder for your leaders ideologies (or pocket book).

Sickboy said...

Im an only child so they cant have me.

dad-e~O said...

your also 30 somthin'

Sickboy said...

yeah, Ill be 33 on MOnday. Im not sure where the draft cuts off, I think its like 26 or some shit...

dad-e~O said...

Wasn't Jesus crucified during his 33rd year?
Happy birthday.

Scott said...

Cut off is 35