Thursday, August 17, 2006

Say Cheese!!!!

Will one of you guys PLEASE remember to have a camera handy when you meet up with Offmen Steve @ Scott's pad. I would love to see some pics from the nights event since I cant be there.

Thanks guys!!!!


dad-e~O said...

I ain't carrying no sissy-ass camera!

Sickboy said...

I never knoew carrying a camera meant you were a sissy. PJ, some of your one liners are friggin classic and I love you for them.

dad-e~O said...

sissy, or asian.

Scott said...

Attendance indications so far;

Yes will attend- Steve, Pete
Maybe- Frank, John M
No- Eric, Mike S, Fred (his brother is getting married)
Not sure- Bob, Martin, Mark, Phil, John K

We sissies as the Cain house have three cameras... but we will have to get very drunk before we let down any of our macho inhibitions and bring out those ninny picture takers.

Sickboy said...

I hope you guys have a great night and lots of fun.

steve butt said...

if any of you have scotts number please email it to i seem to have forgot it in arizona.

dad-e~O said...

in all seriosness, I planned on bringing not only my camera, but my new found iPod to share family pics.
but eric asking for a pics reminded me of the joke about the few rules of a bachelor party, one of wich states quite clearly: the guy who brings a camera can be killed and eaten by the fellow partiers. another being that sex between fellow attendees is strictly forbiden.

dad-e~O said...

Martin and I are riding together, Mike's care has AC...