Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Well, today it is 65 degress here and a light mist has been falling all day. It is only supposed to get into the low 70s all week here. The reason Im posting this is because this gives me hope to think there may actually be a transition between summer adn winter here this year. I hate going from summer right into near winter temps.

I miss seeing the leaves get their full opportunity to change.


Scott said...

Thank goodness!!!! The heat has been making me very grouchy!

Sickboy said...

yeah Im not a fan of avid heat, but the dead of winter definitley makes me sad.

dad-e~O said...

end of summer is OK with me too.

dad-e~O said...

Where I ride (busse woods) gets very pretty in the fall, also a little trecherous because the leaves that fall get "wet and slippery" on the paved trail.

steve butt said...

Leaves fall? what a weird concept. next your gonna tell me that rivers have water in them.