Sunday, August 27, 2006

Tomorrow I turn 33.

I can honestly say I feel older now. For a while, it didnt feel like I was aging, but that has changed. There are many ways I can tell Im getting older now; first off, I can look in the mirror and see many gray hairs. I have also noticed over time that my body isnt what it used to be. It cant take the abuse it was once capable of. These are all things that have seemingly creeped up on me too. It didnt happen overnight, but it did indeed happen.

I feel older. Almost everyday now.

Its not a bad thing, but its definitley something to note.


Martin said...

Happy Birthday, Eric. I know what you mean about feeling older. I recently noticed how time has flown by when I was rifling through my old leather the other day and found the ticket for that Mike Ness show we saw at HOB. the ticket was from '99. 7 years ago. Just doesn't seem like that long ago. I do feel older, but at least I don't feel old.

dad-e~O said...

my schedule keeps me feeling old, open a couple days a week, then close a couple, days off changing from week to week. Variety may be the spice of life, but it confuses one internal clock.

dad-e~O said...

Happy Birthday Eric

Sickboy said...

Thanks Mike and PJ.

You know Mike, I still have that ticket stub in my wallet!

Scott said...

Happy Birthday Eric, ya young pup!

Sickboy said...

thanks scott!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY B-DAY!! Just to note, I agree w/P.J. I don't particularly feel old. I believe my number doesn't correspond with my attitude. Even 40 seems kinda young to me now. Life continues to amaze me on a fairly regular basis.

dad-e~O said...

well, D, you still wear body suits....
you must have misunderstood me, I FEEL OLD, more often then not, the kids @ work are forever telling me that I'm not as old as I act.

Anonymous said...

ahhh. Yes, guess I misread. I would think confusion of the internal clock is a good thing, guess not in the way you phrased it. But...I DO NOT WEAR BODYSUITS!! I would'nt want to frighten anyone away. Just mean that when I was say 15, 30 seemed unimaginageable, but now as I creep towards 33, I can't believe I ever thought it was old. I only feel old when I realize I used to think it was old and I imagined my life, and realize I am not where I thought I would be and have a lot less time to get there. As for those I saw when I visited, I sure didn't feel like I was visiting the elderly, you all seemed to be living your lives to the fullest. i hope that just means that we are living for different things than when we were kids, not that we're the living dead.

Sickboy said...

yeah its pretty crazy how the priorities can change it all. I still have a few ideals that I had when I was younger, some better kept unsaid for my own sake, but yeah, age has made the priorities change.

dad-e~O said...

yes, prioritys sure do change, when Jake was born not only did I start looking at the world through a whole new set of eyes, I started seeing things from a different abgle, I'm about a millin times more conservative then I used to be...
D, sorry about the body suit crack..

Scott said...

My priorities are the same, I still feel full of the same bit of piss and vinegar as ever, how ever I must admit to feeling slightly more stupid and ignorant with each passing year...I mean I never thought I was to bright to begin with but this is getting old shit is ridicules.

Kind of a bummer to hear D does not actually where body suits… I guess I will have to abandon many old fantasies.