Thursday, September 21, 2006

Fall is here!

Fall officially starts tomorrow...tomorrow night I think....

So I ask you all this...

Hows the weather? Notice any changes yet? It has been chilly here over the past few days.

Ive always liked fall. It puts me in a very reflective mood and it starts to set my body up for the hibernation time known as winter.

Whats does fall mean to you besides raking leaves?

Its also weird to think that Scott and I set up this blog in January. Its getting close to being almost a year old now! Its great to have you all here.


dad-e~O said...

here is the link:
please note the comment there leading to previose weather post.
sorry E, I can't resist busting your balls a bit.

Sickboy said...

damn you! You are bustin my ole balls here!

I just wanna know what it all means to ya...fall has to mean something besdies just weather.

dad-e~O said...

it means time for me to get another year older. b-day in sept an all.

Sickboy said...

Yeah, when is your birthday, its right around the corner isnt it?

dad-e~O said...

the 25th, I share with Kristi Bongi, and 2 of my employees, as well as one of my fellow mangagers.
Today is Franks big day, and yesterday was little Bongi's.