Thursday, September 28, 2006

had to post this, not sure why....

Chess Player Says Opponent Behaved Suspiciously


The match for the world chess championship taking place in Elista, the capital of the Russian republic of Kalmykia, took a bizarre turn today as one side — in this case, and unsurprisingly, the player who is trailing — accused the other of suspicious behavior during the games and threatened to quit.

On a day in which no game was played, Silvio Danailov, the manager of Veselin Topalov of Bulgaria, sent a letter to the appeals committee of the match detailing what he said were an excessive number of bathroom breaks — more than 50 per game — by Vladimir Kramnik of Russia.

The letter stopped short of accusing Mr. Kramnik of cheating, presumably by getting the assistance of a computer, but it noted that there was no surveillance equipment in the private bathrooms used by the players and it demanded that both players be required to use a public restroom from now on and then only when accompanied by a match referee.


Martin said...

I know those chess games can last a long time, but I don't go to the bathroom 50 times in a week. Unless this guy has some kind of medical condition, I'd be suspicious too.

Sickboy said...

yeah, thats a lot of bathroom breaks, even more than a grammar school kid.

dad-e~O said...

50 time in a week....
dude's a cheata

dad-e~O said...

kick his chess club ass

Mark M said...

I've been following this match. Kramnik does have a medical condition -- some kind of arthritis. Nothing that would make him go to the bathroom ten to twenty times an hour... & how could he function if that were the case? At that point, you just swallow your pride and get a box of Depends.

This afternoon (Russia time -- it's still morning of 9/29 here), the officials decided to lock Kramnik's bathroom so that both players would have to use the same one. Kramnik refused to play, thereby forfeiting the game. Now he leads the match 3 points to Topalov's 2, but who knows if the match will even continue?

Martin said...

Official World Chess Championship Appeals Board report:

Topelov calls shenanigans!

I just like using the word shenanigans

dad-e~O said...

Mark, I will repeat Scott's earlier comment in saying you need some kids or something to keep you to busy to do all this fancy research.

Scott said...

Yeah Mark! hehehehe. Oh and thanks for the chess research, your condensed version on this story made me feel as if I actually had time to pay attention.

Mark M said...

Hey... Can I help it if I'm a huge fan of the Bulgarian chess team? GO BULGARIA!!!!

dad-e~O said...

bulgaria? that was the bad guys in the Harry Potter quiditch cup wasn't it?