Thursday, September 07, 2006

How is he getting away with this

So, admitedly this is an MSNBC acount, and they may have a tendency to lean a little to the left. But how is our pres managing this crap.
If even 1/2 of the crap that we read about this douche is true.....

just in case the link doesn't work here is the url

xrt radio host Lyn Bramer


Scott said...

WTF, you want me to turn off my music to hear about GW-dipshit??? I turned him off many months a go....

Maybe I will look at it later, as curiosity does usually get the best of me.

dad-e~O said...

well, exxxccccuuuusssseee mmeee!!

Mark M said...

MSNBC leaning to the left? Don't think so... All traditional mass media outlets answer primarily to the interests of their corporate parents and to companies that directly support them by buying advertising. MSNBC is a joint venture of GE and Microsoft, two of the largest corporations in the world. In general, the owners of large corporations lean more to the right than to the left. On social issues, they tend to be neutral, and on economic issues, they are very much on the supply-side right and promote the interests of a conservative economic elite.

The video clip is from Keith Olbermann's show. MSNBC has featured a number of shows hosted by conservatives -- Tucker Carlson, Michael Savage, Alan Keyes, etc. Olbermann is the only personality on MSNBC (or any cable news network, for that matter) that I know of who represents the left side of the political spectrum.

As for your question: "How is [Bush] getting away with this?" It's apathy. You know... people who can't be bothered to turn off their iTunes to find out what their government is doing. ;-)

dad-e~O said...

thanks mark

Scott said...

Touché Mark!!! You got me.

Pete, no offence, my comment was to be more light hearted then my words which seemed to have betray me. I don’t mind reading an article, while working at my desk, however it is not always appropriate to have a newscast playing during business hours... Pete you caught me in a grouchy, some what frantic mood this morning. I was just hoping to skim a quick article...

Your selection of material is brilliant as usual.

dad-e~O said...

no offence taken scott