Monday, September 25, 2006

How to....

How to Act Crazy

You never know what situation might call for you to act completely wild. Maybe you need a day off, or maybe your relationship is bad and you need an out. Whether you're acting for stage or film, or just acting for the effect, here's how to pull off looking crazy without actually going nuts.

Always reply, no matter what you have just done, that you are "okay" or "fine." Repeating this over and over at various volumes of voice can really enhance your effect. Never say "I feel crazy." That is a dead giveaway.
Be subtle. Don't overdo it. Instead of screaming swear words at people and claiming to be "seeing" things, maybe talk in a low whisper and look at "someone" next to you who isn't there. Imagine that the person is 2 feet tall and blue with green polka dots--but never reveal that.

Pick a theme. If you are all over the place, anyone with a minimum amount of education will be able to discern that you are acting out too many diagnosable maladies, outing you instantly. Pick one central theme and stick with it - people are after you or talking about you, or you are capable of some superhuman ability (e.g. hearing thoughts, seeing pictures in dogs' minds, reading the future using alphabet soup). Keep it consistent and again, subtle. Don't go overboard or be comedic.

Don't appear harmful. This is important. Don't threaten yourself, nor anyone else. Should superhuman ability be part of your "psychosis," make it be super speed or smell; flying will only make people think you're a jumper. Anything you do that violates this rule can get you locked up; you don't want that--it's a bad way to spend your free time.

Avoid using any psychological terms. Don't say words like "psychosis" or "delusion" because - let's face it - if you have a clear understanding of those afflictions - you're probably not afflicted by them. Although, some mentally ill individuals may know what these terms are, they are usually are in treatment and on medication, therefore, stable, which is something you want to avoid when acting crazy.
Wait for the desired effect. Don't make it apparent that you want to go home or need something for what is going on with you. If you are doing a good job, what you want will be suggested in due time. You will know this is happening when someone says "Do you need to lie down?" or "Maybe you should head home for the day."


Scott said...

This reminds me of the time you and I spent and entire evening acting like complete lunatics just for the hell of it... It was exhausting, and fun!

Sickboy said...

I can remember that night a little bit. Didnt we start off at Denny's and end up who knows where?

dad-e~O said...

today in the garage I was listening to a perry ferrel/some chick cover of a doors song that reminded me of this post.