Wednesday, September 20, 2006

In The News.....

Published: September 20, 2006
With the midterm elections less than seven weeks away, Americans have an overwhelmingly negative view of the Republican-controlled Congress, with substantial majorities saying that they disapprove of the job it is doing and that its members do not deserve reelection, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

New York Times/CBS News Poll IndexThe disregard for Congress is the most intense it has been since 1994, when Republicans captured 52 seats to end four decades of Democratic control of the House and retook the Senate as well. It underlines the challenge the Republican Party faces in trying to hold onto power in the face of a surge in anti-incumbent sentiment.

By overwhelming margins, respondents said that members of Congress were too tied to special interests and that they did not understand the needs and problems of average Americans. Two-thirds said Congress had accomplished less than it typically does in a two-year session; most said they said they could not name a single major piece of legislation that cleared this Congress. Just 25 percent said they approved of the way Congress was doing its job.


dad-e~O said...

I love the fact that GWB has managed to convince so much of america that it's Congress fault...

Sickboy said...

Yes, the blame game continues....

Martin said...

the fact that congress can't enact any meaningful legislation IS congress' fault. they are an entirely different branch of government. if congress wants something they can push it through, overriding presidential vetoes if necessary. the devisiveness of partisanship is at least partialy to blame, along with just plane old diametrically opposed ideologies.
Bush may be pushing certain agendas, but any president does that. unfortunately there are some reps and senators who will support or oppose the presidents agenda out of party affiliation, not based on the merits of the legislation.