Saturday, September 23, 2006

In The News.....

PARIS, France (CNN) -- Osama bin Laden has a water-borne illness, a Saudi intelligence source told CNN on Saturday, a report that conflicts with an article in a French newspaper saying that the al Qaeda leader is dead.

The Saudi intelligence source told CNN's Nic Robertson that there have been credible reports for the past several weeks that bin Laden is ill, but there has been no word of his death.

The questions came in response to the publication of a report in the French regional newspaper L'Est Republicain on Saturday.

The article cited a confidential French foreign intelligence document dated September 21 in which a source said the Saudis had received confirmation that bin Laden died of typhoid in Pakistan on August 23.

So, what do you guys think? If he is dead, does it really matter?


Martin said...

We've heard reports that he had died before, so I withold judgement on his death until I hear more.
If he has died, this maybe the best way for him to go, as far as the "anti terror" efforts are concerned. It's much harder to create a martyr out of some old man dying of typhoid while hiding from his enemies in cave or small mountain hut than a great warrior killed by "Satan's minions" in battle.

dad-e~O said...

I agree Mike.
it would have an added bonus of making GWB threats look rediculas. but it would be amusing to see how long it would take for GWB to pull a Al Gore and take credit for something he had no hand in.

Martin said...

I don't know, forcing him underground and denying him certain resources, such as good medical treatment, one could assume, isn't exactly doing nothing. While this isn't something only Bush did. As evidenced by Bill Clintons assertions this morning in his interview w/ Chris Wallace that he, Clinton, also had hit squads, basically, looking for Osama. the pressure was on Osama so it isn't like he could waltz into a hospital seeking treatment. The death of Osama would be a political victory for Bush no matter what the situation.
It has been hypothesized also that this is just a ruse to get Osama to show himself to kind of get a bead on where he his and how he's doing.