Friday, September 22, 2006

Mark's Rag

Anybody take a minute to click on the links on the right side of our blog lately?
Mark has a pretty cool blog going for him.
Well written and reasearched.
Good job Mark


Mark M said...

Peter, thanks for the kind review.

A little off topic, but does anyone know what's up with the Offmen site? When I go to the main page, nothing shows up. It's been that way since at least yesterday. I ended up having to view the postings from an RSS feed reader (Bloglines).

Sickboy said...

Mark, I do like your blog also.

I dunno what was arong with the thing but its fixed now. I had the same problem yesterday and this morning too.

Scott said...

I love Marks blog! How ever I only comment on rare occasions when he writes on simple topics... He is so dam well written, I just can't keep up. Mark you need some children in your life to slow down some of your researching frenzy.

Sickboy said...

hey scott are you back home now?

dad-e~O said...

i noticed how f'ed up it was too. there was a "planned down" mabye that was the deal.

Martin said...

Mark, I'm curious what your take on the Cook County board elections is now. I know you were pulling for Claypool. So now that Strogers son has been appointed, more like annointed, as the Democratic candidate, have your feelings changed toward the Democratic ticket? Just curious to see what your thoughts are on this, whether todd stroger is a better candidate than paraica.

Mark M said...

Mike... Good question. I don't think Todd Stroger should be board president. Even if he were qualified, the way he got on the ballot stinks to high heaven. But is Paraica better? I don't know. So far, I've been impressed with president pro-tem Bobbie Steele, so maybe I'll write her name in.

Martin said...

claypool says he refuses to endorse stroger. He said that he'll probably just write his own name in. Obviously a write in campaign for claypool has no legs. I can't bring myself to vote for stroger, but I don't know a whole lot about Paraica.

dad-e~O said...

just think of the money we'll save changing all the signs if little stroger wins. just putting a sticker to replace the first name on the old sign by the forest preserve instead of replacing the whole thing.