Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Political Jargon

CHICAGO — When it comes to talking about the job of president, Sen. Barack Obama would rather talk about how others have done it.

In an interview with FOX News, the Illinois Democrat sidestepped questions about a possible campaign for the office in 2008 even as he acknowledged that many voters have already questioned him on a possible run.

Obama, who just returned from a tour of Africa, including Kenya where his father was born, spoke only vaguely about his plans for the future. Asked if he would be running for the presidency in 2008, he instead chose to talk about the current election year, in which he is helping Democrats on the campaign trail.

"I'm just focused on November 2006 and trying to make sure we get a majority in the Senate," said the freshman senator elected in 2004. "The day after I was elected for Senate, somebody asked me the same question. I said I wasn't running at the time, and so far there's been nothing to change my mind."


dad-e~O said...

I'd vote for 'im.

Sickboy said...

not me.

dad-e~O said...

id rather him then, another Bush, or Mrs. Clinton. He may not be my first choice, but considering the alternatives....

Scott said...

Pete, who would be your first choice?

I like Mr. Obama, I hope he is not pressured by any one to do anything he is not ready for. How ever I would vote for him if he does decide to run, as i agree with Pete. He has alot more promiss than any of the other jokers I see out there.

dad-e~O said...

Steve Albini.

dad-e~O said...

but seriosly.
the little I know about John McCain makes him interesting. and I like Colin Powell a fair amount.

Sickboy said...

If the election was tomorrow, Id be voting Libertarian. Right now, I have NO idea who I would vote for but it would not be any of the people considering a run. I would rather cut off my arm than vote for another Bush or Clinton though, I agree.

Martin said...

Steve Albini wouldn't take no shit. If we were having problems with another country, he'd just invite their leader over for talks and then beat him to death with an axe handle. Presto! No more wars.

Martin said...

I don't think Obama would be a bad choice for the Democratic ticket though. He's definitely less polarizing than Hillary Clinton. The Dems could probably garner more cross over voters or undecideds than if they ran that gash, uh, I mean Hillary.

Scott said...

Hey I voted Libertarian once, heck I don't even remember checking to see whom the canidate even was on the ticket.

dad-e~O said...

my last vote was for a libertarian. no jackass. no elephant.

steve butt said...

ralph nader for pres...?

i know enough about mcain to nknow i wouldn't vote for him. he is my senator. and a career politician. i guess obama would be good. i don't know enough about him thou. i still think that jesse the govner was a good thing.

dad-e~O said...
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dad-e~O said...

I would rather stick pins in my cock then vote for Ralph. I love bunnies and trees as much as the next guy, but should that be what drives the govt???????????