Saturday, September 16, 2006

random thoughts

conspire (kon spir')vi -spired', spiring' 1) to plan together secretly, esp. to commit a crime 2) to work together for a any purpose or effect.

conspiracy (kon spir' a se) n. 1) a conspiring 2) an unlawful plot 3) a conspiring group.

lost chirstmas eve, trans-siberian orchestra

oh yea, diebold was in the news again today.


Sickboy said...


Scott said...

who what? I am not able to surf as freely.... Ahhhhhh!

steve butt said...

diebold the republican owned voting machine company out of ohio that is becoming more and more the only company to count america's votes.

steve butt said...

diebold the republican owned voting machine company out of ohio that is becoming more and more the only company to count america's votes.

dad-e~O said...

that is fairly disturbing Steve.
That being said, aren't most large Companies republican owned or led. I would say that Not untill you get to the operations level in most organizations to you find the "Rank and File" of Dem's.

steve butt said...

possibly true, but diebolds owner is an outspoken republican who is qouted saying that he would do anything to get bush reelected. (qoute was prior to last pres. election.) do you think that one vote switched in every thousand would throw a close election in a contested state? i bet that would throw off the exit polls as well. what do you think?

dad-e~O said...

your probably right, but lets not forget the founding fathers put a system in place to keep that sort of thing from happening, it's called the electoral collage. Our presidential votes are just a formality designed to make americans feel like they live in a true democracy. sure the EC usually votes along the lines of the popular vote, but they aren't required to, and at least 1 president has held office without the popular vote.