Friday, September 29, 2006

What they did get done.....

Congress Actions at a Glance

Friday September 29, 2006 10:31 PM

By The Associated Press

Congress tried to wrap up its work Friday to leave for five weeks of campaigning before the midterm elections. Some actions:

- Congress sent President Bush a bill allowing military commissions to prosecute terrorism suspects with legislation that also spells out violations of the Geneva Conventions.

- The Senate sent Bush a $448 billion defense spending bill that includes $70 billion for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

- Congress worked toward finishing a nearly $35 billion homeland security spending bill, which included an overhaul of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and $1.2 billion for increased border fencing to discourage illegal immigrants.

- Lawmakers tried to wrap up negotiations on a bill increasing security at ports, regarded since the Sept. 11 attacks as particularly vulnerable targets for terrorism.

- The Senate prepared to vote Friday and send the president a bill prohibiting anyone but a parent from taking a girl across state lines to obtain an abortion.

- The Senate authorized a $1.5 billion program to create new national heritage areas and tourism projects.


dad-e~O said...

when I grow up I wanna be a legislator.

Sickboy said...

Hey PJ, have a good and safe trip.

dad-e~O said...

i'll look for the new wall/fence that we are gonna put up between us and mexico

steve butt said...

i just want to comment on the border fence. the very first day me and julis ever visited nogales az, we drove up to the top of a hill and look down on the town which had a 20 foot tall fence running throught the middle. in the ten minutes we were there, we saw at least five mexicans climb the fence and run into america. border patrol was no where to be seen.

Scott said...

Sounds like our hard earned money is being well spent.

dad-e~O said...

not to mention the republican from FLA, who was hitting on his 16 office boys. And the speaker of the house that helped try to cover it up.

dad-e~O said...

16 year old, I forgot to say year old