Saturday, December 16, 2006

"Choose your friends carefully. Your enemies will choose you!" Y. Arafat (taken from "Hit or Myth" by Robert Asprin)

Just wanted to stop in and say hi. the weather is great here if it gets a little chilly at night. i was fired from one of my jobs friday night. apparently i don't get along with others well. that was the reason stated. it was my secondary job and my primary was looking to give me more hours anyway, so now they are available. it has been brewing since the boss told me to cut my hair and i said no. the final straw came when i confronted a co-worker during a slow period over an opinion she expressed that offended me. i never got rude and i never insulted her but since she was a two week employee and i had been there since the place opened the brilliant manager chose to fire me so she wouldn't quit. oh well i won't have anytrouble finding a new part time gig to fill my hours and i get to spend little extra time with my family right before the solistice celebration. every body have a great holiday.


Sickboy said...

Good to see you Steve. SOrry to hear about your recent job problems but it sounds like youll bounce right back.

It was good to see you here! Post back often if ya can.

Scott said...

Hey Steve, it seems your life is keeping you on your toes, I am glad to here it has not got you down! Bummer on the warm weather, hope you get some snow soon.

dad-e~O said...

getting fired is lame, especially when you don't deserve it.