Sunday, December 24, 2006

Dad e O Update

so life here in AH has been a thrill a minute lately, thought I would update you boys to let you know why my postings have been so erratic (and a little salty).

-I got a new boss, the guy I 've been working with for the last 5 years has moved on, and I am not ready to GM my own place yet so we brought in a Lady to take the helm, there has been some shifting of responsibilities and some policy changes. And of course I take a little time to get used to so that can be a little trying. All this happening in December after a difficult year is bad timing. Some soul searching is/was inorder to decide whether or not I want to be part of the new regime. I'm gonna stick it out since the boys get hungry when I'm out of work.
-Tiff also is doing a little soul searching, she has been experiencing some trouble getting used to her new responsibilies at her job.
-My brother Scott (Middle brother) is in town (Rockford, doing Managment training with a major national Steak House Chain) and I have to deal with some long squelched familial emotions.
-Max is sick on Christmas!! poor little dude is having Vomit and Diariah.
-Jake is getting a little big for his britches if ya know what I mean.
-We are getting ready to go down and visit my Mom in Dallas, she hasn't seen the boys in a few years.
-Oh yea, my Dad's wife died of lung cancer, kinda lame
-On a brighter note, this summer I hung some flyers in a couple of local buisness offering to overhaul bikes in my garage, and I just got a call from one of them. This dude wanted me to put together his brand new Felt Tri bike ($1200, online), and overhaul a Schwinn tandem. so I threw together this bike in a couple of hours and made $50, he takes in home, and comes back 2 hours later saying he cant get the gears to shift. OK, lets check it out, it worked when he left. Turns out he just didn' t know how to use his fancy index shifting 20 speed shifters, there's 2 levers dude, one for down shifts, one for up. this is why I love my old school friction shifters. easy and intuitive.
- I did reach my milage goal this year (1500 miles pedaled) but I was hoping to ride a century (100 miles in a day) which didn't happen (sad face)
-I got to spend some quality on line and face time with old friends!
-I've been happily married for over 12 years, and going strong, Iwould like a piece if the bets that were placed against our marriage lasting. I and despite my grumblings I do have two wonderfull kids,

That being said:
All and All, I am very glad this year is coming to a close, it has had some very distinct up and downs. I'm ready for a new start in '07

Merry Christmas Boys, I'm gonna lift one (or 2) to you all and to your loved ones.


Sickboy said...

Sounds like the new job adventure will be a challenge, yet it gives you some possible opportunity.

Im sorry one of the kids is sick on Christmas, I was pretty sick one on Christmas when I was younger and it did indeed suck.

Im personally really proud of you for being married for so long, Im sure you felt the odds were against you at times.

Im glad 06 is over too. It was a l ittle chaotic for me too.

When are you going to see your Mom?

Thanks for the update PJ, it was nice to hear from you again on this level.... =)

Sickboy said...

And.............congrats on gettin some business from one of your flyers, that must have felt way damn cool!!!! It would have to me.

Scott said...

Thanks for the read Pete! We enjoyed it, glad to here all is well.

dad-e~O said...

what !! no comments on the Merry Christmass link!