Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Love me slender: Candy fans are all shook up over plans by Hershey (HSY) to sell a peanut butter and banana crème version of its Reese's cup to honor The King.

The King, as in Elvis Presley.

Elvis' favorite sandwich was fried peanut butter and banana - sometimes with honey or slices of bacon added.

So in July, to mark the 30th anniversary of the rock legend's death, Hershey will introduce a limited edition of its chocolate cup featuring a layer of peanut butter and a layer of banana crème.


Scott said...

E I remeber you drinking a raw egg on a dare back in the day.

Sickboy said...

really? thats gross and I dont remember doing that...

dad-e~O said...

I love me some Peanut butter.
Every day I eat a PB&J for breakfast.

Sickboy said...

Im diggin on some PB too, just not with nanners.