Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy Happy New Year!

I just wanted to wish you all a very happy and SAFE New Years.

Another one down, huh?

So, what are your New Years plans for tonight? Anything good? Anyone heading out?

How about new year resolutions, does anyone have any?


dad-e~O said...

good luck on the quiting smoking Eric

Sickboy said...

hey thanks PJ. I need to ask you a favor...what was the name of those pills you took to help you quit (or was it Tiff that took them) and do you know if I can buy them somewhere as opposed to odering them online?

Im waiting for my health ins. to kick in, then I will get the patches then I will quit.

dad-e~O said...

health ins covers patches???

they were called "smoke Away":
they worked for me, Tiff, and a Friend @ work.

Sickboy said...

Yeah, my ins. will cover prescribed patches.

dad-e~O said...

1500 miles pedaled
lose weight, >200 lbs
swear less
keep my job
be more pleasant to be around

Sickboy said...

Now PJ, how many of those do you think youll actually keep?

Scott said...

Pete, are you sure you need to lose 200lbs?

Sickboy said...

if pete lost 200 lbs. he wo uld be nearly invisible.

Martin said...

happy new year, bitches. Me and Frank are sitting here drinking Warsteiner and smoking packs of squares. As my daddy always said; "Nobody likes a quitter." Really, good luck with that. Frank wants me to call you queer bait.

Waiting Room..Fugazi

Martin said...

My resolution is to get a new job. I'd like to stay with the same company so I can keep my vacation days, but I'd like to move to a different department, like web hosting or something. My bosshole is just getting crazy and I gotta move on. Other than that I'm pretty happy. I should work on my temper, but a leopard can't change it's spots.
Happy New Year and peace to all who read this.

Sickboy said...

I gotta give the quitting smoking thing a fair run, I can friggin breathe right anymore. Taking five steps and then wheezing isnt good.

dad-e~O said...

I'm not trying to lose 200 lbs, dude, I'm trying to stay under 200.
">" = less then

dad-e~O said...

I'll probably keep most of them, but I am adding get a new job like Mike.