Wednesday, December 13, 2006

How to Stay Calm when Other People Give You the Finger when You're Driving

Keep calm - don't react angrilyDid someone give you the finger, and you want to stay calm, even though what they did was very insulting (not to mention, immature)? Follow these steps, and have less drivers pulling beside you just to flip you the bird.

Consider why they are giving you the finger. Are you cutting them off, speeding up when they need to get over, or do you have an extremely insulting bumper sticker? If you know what it could be, try changing that a little bit.
When someone gives you the finger, and you want to remain calm, pretend that they are telling you that you're number one.
You can always smile and wave at them, instead of yelling back. They hate this, because they want you to do something annoying to justify their anger, but don't do this just to annoy them; do it to keep yourself calm and collected.
Turn the radio on to your favorite station. Sing along to the music, to get your mind off rush hour traffic. This works especially well with pop music such as Britney Spears or Pusscat Dolls, don't be afraid to turn that music way up.
Think about what you're going to do when you get home. A relaxing bath, crawl into bed, read, etc.
Ignore it, act as if they flipped off the car next to, or behind you.
Find humor in the situation; just laugh it off.
Be the mature one in the situation.
If it still doesn't help, imagine the horrible car crash they will suffer the next time they are giving the finger and not paying attention to their driving.


Scott said...

Unfortunately I am the one who has the little birdie problem.

Sickboy said...

Thats not good with little C in the car....or are you like me, saving those "adult" moments for better times?

Scott said...

I plead the 5th!

Martin said...

At least the article asks the reader to consider whether or not they are at fault and thus deserve to be flipped off.
I have no problem giving some mope the finger if they are driving like a moron.
I consider it a gentle reminder that they live in a society and that when they do not act within the constraints of said society they will be acted against.

Intentionally drive along the shoulder after your merge lane ends and then try and pull in front of me, you get the finger.

Speed up to get in front of me and make it difficult for me to merge from an on ramp, you get the finger.

Don't use your turn signal or you cut me off, you get the finger.

Drive a Lexus, you get the finger.

Just because you own a Lexus doesn't mean you own the road, despite what the car salesman may have told you!
I hate Lexus drivers.

dad-e~O said...

I agree w/ Martin, Lexus drivers suck, but not as bad as Hummer drivers.
I drive rarely, when we go out as a family Tiff usually drives, and my commute is bike and Metra, so I don't get the chance to flip well deserving people the bird often. but I do yell at inconsiderate drivers when I'm cyling.
there is a term in certain cycling circles: "U Lock justice" it's when someone is driving like a total peckerwood and endagers your life, you pull your u-lock from your messenger bag and smack the car. denting the car or braking glass. It sorta takes the "bird" to a new level

Scott said...

Don't forget those BMW driving pricks.

Martin said...

Hummers and BMW drivers are just usually smug bastards. A vast majority of Lexus drivers I see almost never signal, weave in and out of traffic and just drive like total tools.
That's my observation anyway.

Sickboy said...

Are we forgetting Cadillac drivers?

Scott said...

Cadillac drivers? Are you stuck in the 80's?

Sickboy said...

Ive always heard that Caddy drivers were the worst when it comes to acting like they own the road....

dad-e~O said...

Martin, is it cause a lexus (driver) wants so badly to be a european luxury car (owner) but it's still just a rice burner.

Sickboy said...

Lexua arent rice burners, are they?

Sickboy said...

lexus even

Scott said...

Lexus, is the premium name plate sold by Toyota