Monday, December 11, 2006

In the news.....

Published: December 11, 2006
TEHRAN, Dec. 11 — Holocaust deniers and skeptics from around the world gathered at a government-sponsored conference here today to discuss their theories about whether six million Jews were indeed killed by the Nazis during World War II and whether gas chambers existed.

In a speech opening the two-day conference, Rasoul Mousavi, head of the Iranian Foreign Ministry’s Institute for Political and International Studies, which organized the event, said it was an opportunity for scholars to discuss the subject “away from Western taboos and the restriction imposed on them in Europe.”

The foreign ministry had said that 67 foreign researchers from 30 countries were scheduled to take part. Among those speaking today are David Duke, the American white-supremacist politician and former Ku Klux Klan leader, and Georges Thiel, a French writer who has been prosecuted in France over his denials of the Holocaust.

Mr. Duke’s remarks late this afternoon are expected to assert that no gas chambers or extermination camps were actually built during the war, on the ground that killing Jews that way would have been much too bothersome and expensive when the Nazis could have used much simpler methods, according to an advance summary of his speech published by the institute.

“Depicting Jews as the overwhelming victims of the Holocaust gave the moral high ground to the Allies as victors of the war, and allowed Jews to establish a state on the occupied land of Palestine,” Mr. Duke’s paper says, according to the summary.


Sickboy said...

Mr. David Duke no likey Jews.

Scott said...

Fuck that hillbilly!

Sickboy said...

Actually, David Duke is a fairly educated man who does not preach white supremacy, but is more for the sperartion of the races. Hes a seperatist, not a supremacist.

Sickboy said...

But, this may or may not make him a hillbilly, who knows....

Mark M said...

Eric... I think you're splitting hairs. Usually, I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but with regard to the former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, I'll presume the worst.

By the way, there is a logical fallacy in Mr. Duke's argument (at least as presented in the article). The fallacy is called appeal to personal incredulity, or appeal to ignorance. Basically: "I don't see how or why X should have happened this way; therefore, X did not happen this way." ...Even though, empirically, it has been shown that X really did happen that way.

Mark M said...

To clarify... My comment about hair splitting was about the separatist/supremacist distinction, not about the hillbilly/not-hillbilly distinction. I don't give a rat's a** whether he's a hillbilly. F*ck him either way.

Sickboy said...

I just think there is a definitive diff. between being a seperatist and a supremcist.

Thats all...

Scott said...

Ok I will digress on the hillbilly tag, name calling will not solve any thing (my emotions got away from me).

Stated more appropriately I find Mr. Duke’s opinion of racial separation to be inhumane and simply evil.

I agree with Mark, F*ck David Duke!

dad-e~O said...

all these astricks istead of vowels is confusing.

dad-e~O said...

oh, and Fuck David duke and and KKK.

Sickboy said...

IM glad I got you guys talking on this one, I figured it would bring out some discussion.

Thanks guys!

Sickboy said...

I happen to know a family that chooses teh seperatist life and it works really well for them, they have no problems not being around their own kind.

I guess it can work for some.

Martin said...

(begin rant)
Did Louis Farrakhan's invite to this thing get lost in the mail?

I've heard the current leadership in Iran compared to the third reich, but until now I chalked it up to hyperbole. Now I'm not so sure. This hate mongering dressed in the guise of intellectual discourse seems a very Nazi self- justification propaganda kind of thing to do.
Other things I learned.
David Duke hates Jews more than he hates brown people.

Expressing distasteful ideas or opinions can get you prosecuted in France. Actually I already knew this, I just think that sucks. How progressive those Europeans are!
What would Voltaire think?
(end rant)

Scott said...

Nice one Martin!

Sickboy said...

Farrakhan is one of the worse hate mongers I can think of.

dad-e~O said...

leave it to MArtin to have nice rant.
that includes the self important EU.