Saturday, December 30, 2006

more hang time.....

BAGHDAD, Dec. 30 — After nearly three decades living with the brutal repression of Saddam Hussein and the violent aftermath of his overthrow by American troops, most of Iraq responded with relative calm on Saturday to the news that the former dictator had been hanged at dawn in one of the grimmest of his own execution chambers.

Death of the Iraqi Tyrant This nation of 27 million people spent much of the day crowding around TV sets to watch mesmerizing replays of a video recording that showed the 69-year-old Mr. Hussein, in what appeared to be a state of subdued resignation, being led to the gallows shortly after 6 a.m. in Baghdad by masked executioners, and having a noose fashioned from a thick rope of yellow hemp lowered around his neck.


dad-e~O said...


Martin said...

Stretch that motherfuckers neck.