Saturday, December 23, 2006

One Offmen's Film Review "Borat"

I have to admit this was not a movie on my list of “must see um’s”… but then as late I really don’t have one any how. So last night, at the last minute my wife secured baby sitting and requested that we get out and see a movie. Our choice Borat fit out film watching parameters in two ways, one it was starting a reasonable hour, and two it was short 81 minutes (which allowed me to get home and in bed before 10pm).

Any-hoo, my expectations were like so, sure I would laugh now and again, but some of the clichés were really going to annoy me. Was I off target, not really how ever I was taken aback to the depth and degree on some of the digs this movie made on some rather unsuspecting characters. To be honest there were many points in this movie when I felt a little uncomfortable with the content. For me it was not so funny to see these unscripted characters teased and hoodwinked on such a personal level. Shortly after my wife and I left the theater I was still in WTF mode, and then it dawned on me. These poor bastards (the films unscripted characters) who where mocked and teased so unshamefully, all signed release forms…. And so with that thought in mind I nearly giggled my self to sleep last night.

In the end you would have to say I was a little slow on the uptake. So would I recommend this movie? Sure any of the Offmen would enjoy this movie… just don’t take your mom, or your children!


Sickboy said...

Sounds good.

What kind of oddly offensive content was there? Anything really bad?

Sickboy said...

And thanks for your suggestion!!!

Sickboy said...

and also....getting to bed before 10 PM rules! Its so nice to get a good nights sleep. I have trouble getting to and staying asleep so any night is a good night for me if Im out before 10.

Scott said...

Colin and I get up at 5:30-6:00 am every day with out exception, so daddy gets to bed as early as possible.

I wont give up the content of the film, as to do so would very easily spoil it.

dad-e~O said...

I've heard only good things about this movie