Saturday, July 07, 2007

The concert that will save the planet, NOT!

The Associated Press

Live Earth started in Asia with an ancient Aboriginal instrument, toured through rehashed 1970s rock, 1980s pop and laid-back surfer music, and touched the future with a holographic appearance by Al Gore.

It moved on to London, where Madonna flaunted her eco-friendly side as the headliner for an eclectic show that began with a battery of percussion set to flashing images of wildlife, pollution, alternative energy sources and the Earth seen from space.

Concerts in Sydney, Tokyo and Shanghai kicked off 24 hours of music by more than 150 artists in a round-the-globe series of shows designed to raise awareness of climate change.

Metallica, the Police and Kanye West were among the top-billed acts listed for the biggest concerts, in London and New Jersey.

Lineups in seven other cities were more modest, with mostly local or regional acts.

Gore, whose campaign to force global warming onto the international political stage inspired the event, made a live video appearance from Washington to open the first show on the other side of the world in Sydney.

The former vice president took the technology a step further a few hours later, appearing on stage in Tokyo as a hologram to deliver his message.

"Global warming is the greatest challenge facing our planet, and the gravest we've ever faced," said Gore the only person in sight wearing a suit.

---OK, the "greatest" and "gravest" challenge we've ever faced? C'mon Al, get a grip. Not that I give a rip about this damn concert and any of the bands involved, but I thought it would bring up some discussion here.

How is everyone doing? Whats going on? Hows school Mike M? Hows the cycle shop planning coming PJ? Hows the new pad Scott?

Im doing OK. My daughter has been on vacation with her Mom for the past several days up in Northern Iowa so I miss her. It has been super hot here as of late which has made me ultra crabby, I am definitely not cut out for this summer weather anymore. I have decided that fall is for me...---

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