Thursday, July 12, 2007

random thoughts

hello guys, i was watching the history channel the other day and they had a program on the roman empire. while they were running through the different emperors i began to think about emperor bush and what he was looking for in a legacy. the thought struck me that everybody remebers the name of nero, but trajan was a much better emperor and only history buffs know of him. bush is aiming to be another nero because he wants to be remembered. nero fiddled while rome burned. bush piddled while wtc fell. not right but we can work on it.

crickets chirping, mother nature


Sickboy said...

I dont think Bush "Piddled" at all as the WTC fell. No one knows what was going through his head at that time, all I can say is you couldn't have paid me a billion damn dollars to be The President at that moment.

Sickboy said...

and I don't think W. is smart enough to uphold a so called "Empire".

Anonymous said...

Hey Steve! I love when comparisons are made of the USA to the Roman empire. I have had two history teachers in my years who spent much time doing the same, and frankly I always found the facts to be a bit unnerving.

How is your summer going???

dad-e~O said...

what W did "piddle" was the good will of the vast majority of the free world. After WTC, every one felt sympathy for America, now, we get spit on all over the world.