Wednesday, August 01, 2007


---Awful quiet around here, you guys must be super busy, which is good. There have been a lot of changes in my life recentley. I started a bunch of new medications and right now I am not allowed to see my daughter because of...well, lets just say I was out of mind last Friday and said somethings in front of her I shouldnt have. Life more or less sucks.

Its damn hot here. Been swimming a lot. Going to get my next sleeve finished up next month. It should be pretty cool. The Social D. skeleton known as "Skelly" will be a big part of it. Im excited about that. That state fair will be here soon, oh boy.---


dad-e~O said...

I have been pretty busy.
I will post an update.
congrats on the sleeve,
State fair huh, sounds swell.

Scott said...

State Fair? Any thing on your roster as far was must see items? Prize winning pigs, or goats maybe? I personally would love to go see some draft horses, they look so freakishly big in books.

Sickboy said...

I dont go into the animals and stuff, I just go to eat all kinds of food on a stick.

dad-e~O said...

we went to the Strawberry fest not to long ago. we had a deep fried twinky.. yum tastic.

Sickboy said...

yeah they have deep fried everything at the fair...on a stick...another tasty treat is a deep fried snickers bar....yum yum.

Sickboy said...

I am almost certain that the Iowa State Fair is the largest one in the nation too.

dad-e~O said...


Martin said...

Do they have a life size cow made out of butter like at the Illinois state fair?

Been pretty busy 'round here. Had my midterm for my networking 202 class. I get to see how I did on Saturday. Mo's been getting ready for the new school year so I have to start pulling my weight around here. They have new text books this year so she has to do quite a bit of rework on her lesson plans. 4 more weeks of class for me and I'll have a break for a couple weeks.

Sickboy said...

yes, they have the butter cow here too MIke. That thing tours from state to state.

dad-e~O said...

mmmmmm butter