Thursday, August 02, 2007

Life at the Barson House

Meet Barley, she is our new puppy, we got her off of Craigs List. She's pretty cool.
Besides that Summer has been pretty busy,
We saw the Simpsons movie, full frontal nudity, wowo wee.
We saw the Harry potter movie, at a midnight showing (did I say that already) the best of the bunch IMO.
Read the latest Harry Potter book, (BFD)
My wife's brother came to town for a few days, he's on the short list of her family that I actually like.
At work: my other manager quit, so starting Aug 1 we are on a 2 manager schedule, which just means 2 doubles, 3 regular shifts, and lots of extra admin duties. I am going on "vacation(more on that later)" the last 2 weeks of August, so it really sucks for my boss. Finding a competent Manager to fit in with our team and is willing to work for peanuts is chalenging, It's a resume position.
Now more on my Vacation, I am going to Bike Geek Camp. really it's a school where people go to learn bike mechanics and shop operations. It's in Ashland Oregon, a part of the country I have never been in. So I'm pretty excited
We applied for a loan with our bank, but the Small buisness association, doesn't like our finaincial history. We are still going forward with Plan to Open the Shop, but have to adjust the financial plan a bit.
I am experimenting with building a Blog for our building buisness, I wil share a link when it's ready.
The kids are still on Vacation through the month of Aug, (When are they gonna start year round school? not soon enough!)
Tif had taken the summer off, but she just started a job, working for the Park District of AH, something completly different then she has ever done. No food. weird.
I think that pretty much brings us up to date.

See ya


Sickboy said...

thanks for the life update. Your bike "school" sounds very interesting. The pup looks very cute.

Scott said...

Wow Barley looks just like a little Monty, and she has some big paws to boot! Any ideas as to how big she will get or her heritage?

Looks like Ashland Oregon is in the middle of nowhere. Hope your endeavors to become your own boss are fruit full.

dad-e~O said...

She is a boxer/ coon hound mix. both fairly sizable breeds.

Sickboy said...

Ive become a cat lover over the years now.

dad-e~O said...

Cat is great, over some pasta, with some asian veggies, and a little soy sauce. yum.

just kiddin'

Sickboy said...

that was so funny I forgot to laugh. Heh...

Scott said...

My hounds both think cats are to be chased mercilessly, until treed or worse... its actually kind of annoying.

Pete, it looks like you found a great dog, best of luck.

dad-e~O said...

overall she's been a good adition to the family.

Anonymous said...

Will this Bike Shop be in AH? The other one went out a few years ago - so sad. The town has changed so much.

dad-e~O said...

yes, different corner of same block