Friday, August 10, 2007

Mexico in July?

Last month I traveled to Mexico with my wife and her entire family to celebrate her parents 40th anniversary. It was a load of fun and I can now say I have an appreciation for Tequila. We visited both Tlaquepaque and Ajijic. Neither of which is considered a tourist area, so I found my self with the daunting task of dusting off my 20 year old (high school level) knowledge of Spanish, which I found surprisingly useable… although just barely. Any hoo while sober I took some PHOTOS and thought you might enjoy looking at them.


Sickboy said...

isnt Tequila yummy? Hey was that a real dog barking at ya on the roof of that one photo?

dad-e~O said...

Mexico is a very vibrant and colorful country.

Scott said...

Yes E, it was not uncommon to see dogs on roofs. I was also surprised to see how many dogs there were just roaming the streets. At first I thought they were all strays, but after a while I noticed that most of them had collars and that they would for the most part stick close to one area. I was told that many of them had homes and owners for lack of any yard were just let out in the street to hang out. I am not sure where they went potty, again there were no real yards or much grass to speak of, and I did not see any abundant amounts of dog poop on the street. So really where they were all going is still a mystery to me.

Anonymous said...

Interestingly, I was also in Mexico in July - Sayulita - and had the same experience. Dogs everywhere. The town is a surfing village and there were dogs and their surfer owners everywhere. The weirdest was being on the beach with them. Some dogs would just sit at the shore line and watch their owner surf, some actually got on the boards with the residents and some just acted like dogs roaming the beaches.I also did not see much mess so it must be a mexican phenomenon!

dad-e~O said...

If left to her own devises, our puppy, Barley, would happly clean up the yard for her and Henry. She seems to have a... shal I say "taste" for the chore.

Martin said...

Ireland was the same way in respect to the dogs. They were just roaming the streets. We had one dog follow us around Killarney for about half an hour. It waited outside a shop that Mo and I went in and then followed us around for a while longer. Then 2 other dogs followed us back to the hotel after we left a pub. And, no, I didn't have food in my pockets.

sp9000 said...

That's funny Martin when Pamela and I went to Ireland we also had dogs just following us around, some times for hours. It was like having your own pet dog while out for a walk, as if they knew you or something. I am reminded of one black dog who followed us on a walk around an island. We walked the perimeter and this dog followed us. The walk took an hour or two and when we returned to the causeway that connected the island to the main land we found that the wind had blown the tide in early. There was a quarter mile of water three feet deep between us and the shore. We rolled up our pants and braved the freezing water. By the time we reached the shore our legs were numb... but the dog just sat and watched us from the island, i guess he knew better (or was waiting for us to carry him).