Monday, June 30, 2008

Which one will we be today?

Winners and losers, turn the pages of my life
We're beggars and choosers, with all the struggles and the strife
I got no reason to turn my head and look the other way
we're good and we're evil, which one will I be today?

There's saints and sinners
Life's a gamble and you might lose
There's cowards and heroes
Both have been known how to break the rules
there's lovers and haters
The strong and the weak will all have their day
We're devils and angels
Which one will I be today?

Are you happy now with all the choices you've made?
Are there times in life when you know you should've stayed?
Will you compromise and then realize the price is too much to pay?
Winners and losers, which one will you be today?

There's a a light and a dark side
standing at the crossroads, there we'll meet
there's prophets and fools there
the lies and the truths, will be at our feet
I got a reason to turn my head and look the other way
it's heaven and hell here, which one will I live today?

---Just mid last week, my ex sister in law was rushed to the hospital from a drug OD. She had to be put on a ventilator because she was only taking 4 breaths a minute. The nurse that was assigned to her said that in her 15 years of service she had never seen a young girl come in in such bad shape and live. She took 2 bottles of Klonopin (an anti anxiety pill, that can have sedative like feelings when used in super high doses, which in turn can be fatal) and 4 or 5 Oxycontin. My ex sister in law was released from the hospital 2 days later. She is addicted to pills, just as I am, but the big difference is that shes active in the lifestyle, I am not. She has been "sworn" to day treatment and all that stuff. I give her a month before shes back on the pills. She jumps from hospital to hospital, from clinic to clinic here in town and gets hooked up. Youd think these damn places would be wise to her by now, not to mention, I think she buys a lot off the street, which is a HUGE risk, Lord only knows what youre getting then. Im glad shes alive, but with all the resources to get help from in this city, I feel absolutely no pity for her. Theres quite a few places to go for help, Ive used 'em all and when ya get it right, they will fix you and make you a whole person again, so I wouldnt ever shed a tear for her. I dont want my little girl getting to know her while shes still an active abuser like this, no way.

I mean, you hear of all these people that go through all this hell to get away from this shit and they can do it. Of course, Im not gonna mention Multi-Million dollar "rock stars" who have the world at their finger tips to get clean, shit, I could easily kick any drug too if I had a therapist who was charging me 20 grand a day for his help. But you do hear about the regular people who do make it through this, I just always wonder why I become so strong and why she becomes so weak, ya know?

Winners and losers, which one will I be today?---

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Happy Sunday!

---Well, happy Sunday to all you hard working bike dealers and 2nd time Dads out there!!! My kid and the ex did indeed take off for their vacation time yesterday afternoon, so Im kid free for the week. My daytime fix me up program has been going pretty darn good as of late, which makes me VERY happy.

Obama says this and that and then flip flops 2 days later on the same issue and I worry about McCains age if he is elected, blech to it all right now.

It has actually been kinda "chilly" here at night the past few days, blanket weather, GREAT for sleeping. Today the high is 81, yesterday we didnt even make 80.

We may go see some fireworks for the 4th at the State Capitol here in town, but the 4th is still several days away so we dont have near anything set in stone yet, it will all depend on how my Mom feels. She gettin a little old because of her severe Diabetes and I worry about it every day now. Shes tough as nails though, hell a lot tougher than most Ive met in my life to be honest with you. Its been a rough weekend for her, she really misses Den for some strange reason this weekend, but those things happen. I was really missin him last week for no reason, just because he was awesome to be around.

The sun just came out here.

This week looks to be dry and not too terribly warm until Thu. I think, when it will hit like 86. Thats too hot for me w/ the humidity. If there is no humidity, I dont mind, but if the humidity gets up there, Im beggin for the AC to be turned on like a wuss.

There is a huge bike shop on the corner where we live called Bike World, everytime I see it, I think of you PJB. People are gettin pumped up for the Ragbrai ride coming up where they cover the whole state of Iowa in like 6 or 7 days on bike. I have heard its just one big drunken party at night between the bikers, then they wake up the next AM and get back to riding.

Hey Scott, if you can find time to get to your p.c. for 2 seconds, hows your little one doing? How is C taking things? I hope ALL is well with you and your little family!

Well boys, thats my little Sunday update for ya, drop me a reply when ya can and Ill be back soon.

The pic up top is the kid, just sent to me via the ex's cell phone. Im thankful for the pic but damn the man, what would people do without those damn things? I got so mad at mine last week, I tossed it out the car window going about 65. It was a pay as you go one. Great phone, but it got too stupid on me one time too many so bye bye it went.---

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Rain, anyone?

---Man, this rain will not stop! It took me an extra 25 mins. to get home from the dr. this AM because of all the washed out roads, are you guys getting, or due to get any of this? I was supposed to help the ex out later today w/ a fashion show but Im kinda sick, plus I just dont trust this weather right now, so thankfully my lack will do her no harm whatsoever.

Well, as Im sure you know, next Fri. is the 4th. Anyone have any big plans? The ex and the kid will be up, well, way up North in IA. with Mom in law, at a resort they always frequent this time of year for a vacation, so all next week, I will be kid free, which is a bummer. They leave Saturday afternoon. The ex and the kid take off and I get volunteered to go over to the ex's pad every other day to check on the place and on her cats. Thats my big summer plans for next week, cat sitting. But its cool, her (formerly our) cats rock!

So my Mom got everything but her final confirmation all but locked in today for her trip to the Chicagoland area come August, which, Ill admit, excites the hell outta me. Some alone time! Some real free time! Some walking around the house for four hours at a time in my boxers! WOOHOO!

So, what PJB, we are gonna be the big 3-5 this year huh? Man, where the HECK did the time go? We met when we were 15!!!---

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Weekend Wrap up!

---How is everyone?

My weekend was pretty mundane. Hangin out with the kid at the ex's shop on Sat. and then spendin a few hours over at her place with her and the kid and another friend last night. I was home by 830ish...I got hungry so I decided to leave.

Today I went trekking about the area for a little while with my Mom and that was about it for daytime activity, than this evening I went back over to the ex's pad for a couple hours for some kid time, which was cool.

Its slowly startin to get hotter and hotter here and I feel as if the air conditioning "dog days" of Summer are right around the corner. I think we are due for rain on Tuesday for a bit then our chances increase come Thu. and Fri. Tomorrow should be wonderful though, right around 80 and sunny. I think setting aside my other previous commitments tomorrow, Ill go get a hair cut.

Ive made a vow to my ex. I refuse to talk "politics" with her to at least the fall, say Sept. or Oct. for now cuz all we do is FIGHT over that topic. I think I may do the same here unless something really gets me fired up. I was born at night, but it wasnt last night and Im pretty sure I have no fellow McCain backers here, so better to avoid the topic, eh?

Anyone got any big summer plans? Vacations? Road trips?

My Mom is headed to Niles come early August, but I have chosen to stay behind here by myself in Des Moines. I would love to be able to come on in to see most of you guys but that would require me staying with family for the 6 days and I just cannot do that to myself. They dont like me and I dont like them, plus I wouldnt have the $$$ to carry myself for a summer trip with the other plans I have right now. So Mom is taking the train to town and Ill stay behind, eat like a pig, make small messes through out the house and sleep odd hours day and night, hah!

Well boys (and boys wives) have a good week, drop a reply if ya can and Ill check back in soon. =)---

Friday, June 20, 2008

Not again

---Remember in a post from say 2 weeks ago when I was ranting about kids blowing off fireworks this damn late? Well, there doin it again

End baby rant---

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Summer Fashion

Well this is is it, the sling is were my daughter prefers to take most of her day time naps, most of which require me to walk lots. The other day my wife complained when I returned the baby to her covered with bagel crumbs... What can I say it's not always easy these days to find time to eat as of late. Forget about hot food this is of course what I signed up for. A acquaintance of ours has triplets, and every time I talk to her I feel like such a wimp!

Petting Zoo.....

---Went to the zoo here in town today with the ex and smalls. A goat tried to eat my shoe!

No, I was not happy.---

Monday, June 16, 2008

Just thinkin'

---I was talkin to someone earlier this afternoon and for the first time it really, honestly hit me right smack in the face.

A black man beat out (you could almost say kicked the hell out of)a white upper class Women in a race to The White House.

Wow, nuts, I tell ya. Im not saying its a bad thing, nor am I saying its a good thing, but its a very real thing now. Race cards were played, gender cards were played. good ole Bubba Clinton even ran his useless mouth for a while, but still, untouchable!

Wow, now its all on Grandfather McCain to tumble the machine!---

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Today is our day!

---Happy Fathers Day mother fuckers! Its steak for me for dinner with corn on the cob and a baked 'tater. I got some kick ass cool Dickies stuff from my Mom..a new Dickies work shirt and a regular dickies t shirt that has a kick ass logo on it.

The kid and the ex will be here at 1 today, should be an alright day. She went out and bought a GMC Envoy this past week and man that thing rides like a damn dream!---

Thursday, June 12, 2008

We made it!

---Well, we survived through the rain the past few days and our new sump pump really kicked ass so no water was taken on by us. The downtown area of Des Moines got kinda hairy there for a few hours with manhole covers blowing off and water raging out of them and into the street but it subsided pretty quick too. I think everyone will be OK.

Have you seen the footage of those houses up in the Dells in Wisconsin? WOW, what a loss that must be.

My Mom is having a damn garage sale here tomorrow and Saturday and I dont wanna have anything to do with it. I have put some of my shit up for sale in it, but I dont care, if it sells, she can keep the money.

The ex and the kid will be coming over here Sunday for a Father's Day cook out, I have no idea what Im getting from them. I hope its not another "Best Dad in the World" t shirt. I appreciate the thought, but um....would never wear it, I have a rep. to uphold, heh. My Mom already gave me my Father's day gift, its another J.R. Cash shirt...pretty cool.

OK, Ive asked ya what ya wanted for Fathers Day, now, are you headed anywhere special?---

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


---half of the state is under water, we may be next. I will know more about this tomorrow and Saturday. If we lose power and I go *poof* for a while, blame flood waters and such.

hows the biz PJB?

Hows the new wee one doing Scott?---

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

This is great!

---Pen and Teller letting us all know what time it is by cutting the conspiracies down to nothing. If you have 8 or 9 minutes, give it a quick go and check it out.---

Sunday, June 08, 2008

saved by Bob

---Well, this afternoon, our land lord Bob came by with shiny new pump. He switched out a few things, dropped her in and shes kickin ass, so thank God, no flooded basement for us!

They are saying that if it rains most of this week (like projected to) in a flash flood kind of scenario, like todays was, that we could be looking upon flood levels that will surpass the HUGE flood of 1993. The city is a lot more prepared for something like that now, but thats still some hardcore water. No rain here tomorrow, then after that, there is a shot at rain everyday for the next 6 or so.

So, what do you guys want for Father's Day?---

Noah and the Ark.

---Well, our sump pump problems have gone to the next level. Right now we have a pump for an outdoor pond being used as our main pump to keep our basement flood free, our sump pump died yesterday. Our damn Lanlord cant get here with a new sump until tomorrow, he has previous commitments, so he dropped off one of his three backyard pond pumps for us.

It works great, the only BIG problem is it is not automatic so we have to be there to watch it and plug or unplug it every few minutes....thats how much water we have rushing in!

Tomorrow cant get here soon enough with that darn thing. This is the worst Spring rain season I can ever recall.---

Friday, June 06, 2008

Have a happy weekend.

---Well, last night we got nailed by a nasty thunder storm, that warranted a tornado warning for our county. My mom and I ended up spending about 15-20, maybe 25 mins. in the basement last night at 1030 while we watched our little TV to keep up on the weather and I smoked. Needless to say, no tornadoes came near our area. I was back in bed and asleep by 1115. Little did I know that this storm had just dumped close to 5 inches of rain on most of Des Moines in just over an hour!

Today I got a call from my ex that her shop had flooded, so I had to head down there to try and help things out. I was hardly any help, there wasnt much I could do, the water damage was minimal.

We had to deal with our Landlord being in and out of here all day today I guess, the storm last night caused us to run into some sump pump problems, which seem to be all under control as of now.

Rain free and 89 degrees tomorrow then back to chances of rain EVERY damn day next week.

When will the fun end???---

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Hillary loves Obama

---Well, I guess at this hour, little ole Hillary and big man Obama are meeting to discuss certain things. What? Im sure we will know within the next couple of days.


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Why I like McCain...

---I am drawn to McCain and his "politics" because he is a lot like my Pa was. He seems to be pretty darn honest, loyal and trust worthy. Hes old school. I know old school and I can trust old school. I can elaborate on this a lot more, its just right now Im having a hard time finding the right words, McCain's attitude has left me kinda speechless. Not that hes that good of a politician, but its all about my Pa.


I like "Pa" McCain!---

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

It looks like.

---Obama vs. McCain! Its on! What do you think?---