Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Little Johnny.

So one evening little Johnny hears a racket coming from his parents room, being very curious, he quickly pushes the door open to find his Daddy and his Mommy engaged in some Carnal desires that have gotten too loud and out of hand! Johnny calls out “Momma, Dad, what are you 2 doing in here?” His Dad waves him off and says “Oh, nothing Johnny, your Mom and I are just having a little fun.” Little Johnny quickly slams the door behind himself and disappears into the shadows of the dark house.

A little later, Johnny’s Mom and Dad are awake and downstairs having a late night snack due to their wild escapade when all of a sudden Johnny’s Dad hears a racket coming from Lil Johnny’s room. I mean its bad, like someone has just set off an M-80 in there. Johnny’s Dad goes flying up the stairs into Johnny’s room where it looks like a bomb had indeed just went off. He looks over and in dis belief, sees that Johnny is fucking the hell outta ole Grandma.

“GOD DAMN”, his Father says, “What the hell are you doing Johnny?” Johnny looks over from being on top of Grandma and says “Yeah, this shits not so funny when its your momma, now is it?”

The models and the Tattoo Fest. last weekend.

---Lemme just say it was my total pleasure to hang out in a room for almost 4 hours with a bunch of girls who were half naked, getting their hair and makeup done. No seriously, the models were super cool and they were not bothered by my presence at all.

The show was a huge hit! Lingerie models shaking their assess and boobs, all topped off with a pillow fight! It was a lot of fun.

The festival itself sucked ass. My artist here in town wasnt there, he was too booked at his shop and couldnt pull off gettin a hold of everyone and try to explain that things had changed.Even the jag bag Mr. Hot shit tattoo artist of the city wasnt there, maybe booth space was too expensive, I dunno. Overall though, the ink festival totally blew. I stuck close to a model or 5 or my ex, whichever was around.

It was a lot of fun and its totally hot when girls wearing practically see thru teddies and corsets allow you to just sit there and shoot the shit with them. They were so casual about it and this was the 1st time quite a few of these models had ever done something like that!

Good times, good times!---

Im Voting Republican

With any luck I can figure out how to imbed a U tube video here:
If not the link is above, I thought it was kind of funny, despite the Taboo nature of politics on this board lateley

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The man and the Cats

---I just stumbled across a short video of Ness and the original Stray Cats jamming I fought the Law (and the Law won)off of You Tube! Needless to say, even though the quality sucks its still pretty damn awesome to think about catching a show like that someday, somewhere, somehow. Setzer's AMAZING guitar playing mixed with Ness's style and RAW ATTITUDE which makes both of them unique on their own.

It hasnt been a bad past few days here. Well, OK, im lying, its been a shitastic past few days here. It all started last Sat. AM with me coming oh so close to busting some guys wind shield with his own face....from there, it got worse. I wasnt "allowed" to see the kid, I fell into a depression and everything that goes with it. I made up with the ex yesterday and tonight the attack pattern was called off and I got to see the kid again.

From one moron guy to another....NEVER lose your TEMPER when your kid is present, even IF IT IS justified!

Now, if I ever run into her neighbor again and they arent around, Im seriously gonna have to fuck him up.---

Thursday, July 17, 2008

This and that.

---I have a HUGE political hair on my ass Im dying to pull off and vent over, but Im sticking to my word...no politics until the fall.

I also want each and every one of you to have a great weekend! Mine will be routine for me, next weekend is when things are gonna get stirred up for me. A hot air balloon festival next Fri. night...the kid loves it. Then Sat. night, I have to help the ex w/ her fashion show here in Des Moines at an annual tattoo festival. My ex picked the theme of lingerie for her part of the show, woe is me. I know, dont cry for me.

She has a few seriously hot kittens modeling for her in this show too! Ill look into getting some pics, shouldnt be a problem.

We are supposed to get heavy storms here over night tonight, then it is forecasted to rain all day tomorrow and a part of Saturday, but then temps. will be down. I dont think we hit another 90 degree day until mid next week. Im already sick of summer! Weve had like 3 or 4 days close to or over 100 and Im sick of mowing the damn lawn. I know w/ winter comes frigid temps. and snow to shovel, but thats just so much more fun to me.

Im counting the days until fall now.

Gosh we will be coming up on the 7th anniversary of 9-11 this year. Those terrible images can still be found fresh in my mind very easily if I sit and think about it

How about you guys?---

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

random thoughts

A generation which ignores history has no past and no future.
Robert Heinlein

just passing through. hope you are all well.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Rider down!

---How are ya'll? Im good, thanks. Hot as fuck here today, 100 degrees, AC runnin all day, Mom bitching about electrical bill to come.

I saw a guy get NAILED on his bike today and he was NOT wearin a helmet and his head hit the ground fuckin hard. I thought of you right away PJB. It was down by my ex's shop, I had her distract the kid and I ran out to see if he needed anything and he said no, he had a cell and was gonna call the cops. He refused medical attention right from the start and I thought fuck that, if some bitch put me on my back, its her dollar, yeah, Im going to go in and get looked at. His arm and leg were torn up pretty bad too. Took the cops over 40 mins. to get there! Thankfully, the girl that hit him was being super cool and understanding.

Thats my big story of the day. That and the ex got a 7 foot jewelry case for free, total score.

Hows things there? Looks to be a soggy weekend on this side of the fence, kinda lame, but at least it keeps the temps. down.---

Thursday, July 10, 2008

I cannot believe

---what Jesse Jackson said about Obama while he thought he was off camera. Im telling you, Barak still has tons of time and tons of bullets to shoot himself in the foot with.

Gonna be 100 degrees here tomorrow, YUCKY BAD, GO AWAY

Within the next few weeks, Im gonna have the kid draw a little picture for me on my back, then when shes done, its right to my ink slinger to get her little, original doodle immortalized on my body. I think its a great idea.---

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Happy 14th Anniversary to Tif and Me

So, a little back ground.
Tif and I like to celebrate our Anniversary, we try to do something big-ish, fancy dinner, overnight in hotel, that sort of thing. Well this year I no longer have the hook up in the Hospitalty Biz that I used to enjoy, so we were going to tame it down a bit.
I bought a Tandem bike for us, and Tif was racking her brains trying to figure out what to get. I found out later that she heard me comment on a radio comercial for a Dropkick Murphys, and Mighty Mighty Bosstones show sounded like a kickass time. So she decided to Surprise me.

I was a little nervous for her, she hasn't been to many Punk Rock shows, and I wanted her to enjoy herself.
So the night of the show, we leave right from the shop, caught good traffic getting down to Northerly Island, the outdoor venue was real cool. there were a bunch of Skinheads, and a few little kids, as well as a smattering of older folks there. we grabbed a couple of beers and plopped down in some chairs to wait for the fun.

Opening band, some 5 piece girl Punk band that was a bit rough, Civet.

Then the Mighty Mighty Bosstones came on and the place started rockin' we spent half the set hanging on the edge of the crowd, then decided to get a little closer to stage, so we hung out near the edge of the pit. Very cool show, I'm not terribly familiar with their body of work, but I will be buying some in the near future, it was fun, and enjoyable.

then the main event. The DropKick Murphys. these dudes rocked. we spent the majority of their act right in the middle of the crowd, behind the pit. The blending of traditional and modern Irish and Punk is a whole lot of fun. They made a comment about how they used to open for the MMB, back in the day. they paid tribute to the recent CPD officer down, and invited a the ladies up on stage with them. again, I am not super familiar with much of their stuff, but I will be picking up more as time progresses.
My worry about Tiff enjoying herself was unnessecary, she really seemed to have a good time,

Oh and last night we went and had a fancy dinner at a place call Davis Street Fishmarket, that was very nice as well.

Its hard to believe that 14 years has gone by so quickly, and so much has happened.
We like to joke that we want to collect on all those bet's of "I bet It'll never last" that surely many folks made, when hearing that a 19 and 20 yr old kid were getting married,
I'm going to go back to bed now.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Nothing really...

---Hows everybody doing? Im alright. Gettin closer and closer to my 35th Birthday. Its weird, 34 didnt mean anything, 36 wont mean much, but 35.......35 is an odd one. Not as odd as say 40 or 50, hell no, but still an odd one.

My ex and the small had a great time on vacation and I dont care who I havta pay off, next year, Im going damnit.

I got a new MP3 player, pretty cool. Rechargeable battery system, all I have to do is plug it in to the p.c. for it to grab power and charge. Holds 500 songs I think, already have 227 Social D. tunes in it, hah.

The 4th here was lame as could be. How was yours?

How was The DKM show PJB? Martin and I used to love them back in the late 90s, their old stuff is great, that I can say. Havent bought an album of theirs past 2000, dont think Id want to either, but tell us about the show.

Ive been helping the ex schlep a bunch of clothes around lately and with her new GMC Envoy, that task has been super easy.

Fuckin gas prices are gonna kill us all, but I dont wanna hear any damn conspiracies over it, OK Steve =) ? Love ya though. How are ya?

Tomorrow is a big day for me. Its kinda an embarrassment for me to admit it, but for you guys its OK, I know ya love me anyways and to anyone else that may have stumbled across this, FUCK YOU and go away!

When I was way way way fucked up and into all kinds of drugs and pills and shit, I didnt take good care of myself and I did A LOT to hurt my body, teeth included. The drugs didnt help either. Well, tomorrow I get my new set of partial dentures and Im kinda excited about it. Its just another milestone in my personal life...knowing they did not beat me. So yeah, yay for some new "fake" teeth. I think there are like 8 or 9 in all that I will get tomorrow. Ill talk funny for a few weeks, but thats about it.

Well, boys, Im gonna go sit outside and enjoy what little daylight time we have left for the evening, cuz before we all know it, it will be getting dark at 430 PM again!

Lemme know whats up, LOVE YOU---

Friday, July 04, 2008

blah de blah

---Its 3:08 PM on the 4th and Ill assume most, if not all of you have started your "holiday activities". Hah, suckers. God, how I HATE family gatherings. Last night we were gonna go watch some fireworks being blown off at the State Capitol, but I ended up having too much to drink and since my Mom has night driving blindness, it just didnt happen. I think I passed out around 845, hahaha, Im a loser. I dont remember!!!

Tonight, there isnt really any shows to go see, most townships had their shows last night, dumb asses. Tonight we eat shish ka bobs hot off the grill! Its a little warm here about 82, 83, not a cloud in sight. My ex and the kid will be home Sunday, which will be cool.

The pic is a snap shot of the boys in Social D. minus drummer Charlie Quintana. Dont they clean up well? They were playing an annual event for the Orange County Homeless Association, something they do every year. Even old hard ass Mike has a heart. They play like a 20 min acoustic set that is rumored around certain SD boards on the web to be utterly amazing.

I gots a new cell phone today. Pretty nice, pay as you go, my credit is to shitty to get anything else. 80 bucks, came with 300 free minutes, way nice color screen and all that jazz. I have yet to activate it though, Im in no hurry.

Well, somebody must have some news to report on, whats up out there?---

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Pre planned strike....

---Since Im certain none of ya will be around tomorrow, I just wanted to say have a safe and HAPPY 4th.


Wednesday, July 02, 2008

random thoughts

Nationalism is power hunger tempered by self-deception.
George Orwell

just keeping busy here in sunny arizona. hope you are all well.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Some Wednesday funnies for you.

---Sine things are dead around here, I though Id be on the lighter side of life for once and post some funnies---