Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Nothing really...

---Hows everybody doing? Im alright. Gettin closer and closer to my 35th Birthday. Its weird, 34 didnt mean anything, 36 wont mean much, but 35.......35 is an odd one. Not as odd as say 40 or 50, hell no, but still an odd one.

My ex and the small had a great time on vacation and I dont care who I havta pay off, next year, Im going damnit.

I got a new MP3 player, pretty cool. Rechargeable battery system, all I have to do is plug it in to the p.c. for it to grab power and charge. Holds 500 songs I think, already have 227 Social D. tunes in it, hah.

The 4th here was lame as could be. How was yours?

How was The DKM show PJB? Martin and I used to love them back in the late 90s, their old stuff is great, that I can say. Havent bought an album of theirs past 2000, dont think Id want to either, but tell us about the show.

Ive been helping the ex schlep a bunch of clothes around lately and with her new GMC Envoy, that task has been super easy.

Fuckin gas prices are gonna kill us all, but I dont wanna hear any damn conspiracies over it, OK Steve =) ? Love ya though. How are ya?

Tomorrow is a big day for me. Its kinda an embarrassment for me to admit it, but for you guys its OK, I know ya love me anyways and to anyone else that may have stumbled across this, FUCK YOU and go away!

When I was way way way fucked up and into all kinds of drugs and pills and shit, I didnt take good care of myself and I did A LOT to hurt my body, teeth included. The drugs didnt help either. Well, tomorrow I get my new set of partial dentures and Im kinda excited about it. Its just another milestone in my personal life...knowing they did not beat me. So yeah, yay for some new "fake" teeth. I think there are like 8 or 9 in all that I will get tomorrow. Ill talk funny for a few weeks, but thats about it.

Well, boys, Im gonna go sit outside and enjoy what little daylight time we have left for the evening, cuz before we all know it, it will be getting dark at 430 PM again!

Lemme know whats up, LOVE YOU---


Scott said...

Good luck with those new chompers, I always thought you had a great smile bet those new ones will dazel many!

steve butt said...

but the gas prices and food prices have to go up if they want to tank the economy in order to start another war. (china and russia as primary opponents)

sorry, couldn't help my self.

dad-e~O said...

a little more true then we might like to think (hope) Steve.

Sickboy said...

you guys take yourself way too seriously.

dad-e~O said...

Hello, Mr Kettle....