Sunday, November 09, 2008

Here comes Monday...again!

---Hi boys, hows life? Its way too cold here way to early in the "winter" season (even though winter itself doesnt begin for a while)for me to like. Its like 20 degrees here right now. At least I know my grass cutting days are done until next April or so.

Im very anxious to see who Pres.-elect Obama will hire to his cabinet. I actually found a great website called that allows the user to have somewhat of a direct interface with The President which is also another first in this great nation. For example, you can go to the site and "tell your story" about something that is bothering you in the US and Obama is going to hire an entire staff to monitor the site, read your emails and pass them on in the chain as they see fit. To me, that is fucking awesome. Ive already written a couple of emails w/ hopes of them reaching somewhere near the Oval Office. People have bitched and bitched about wanting "change" in America and now that we have it, I am totally gonna use it w/ very high cant hurt, ya know?

My ex sis in law has disappeared again, it doesnt come as a shock to me, I just friggin hate seeing my ex all upset over it. She (my ex sis in law)has let her life become consumed by drugs, nothing more, nothing less, trust me, Ive been there. She has nothing to live for. Both her kids were taken by the State. Her son lives w/ his Dad and her 16 yr. old daughter is one fuck up away from juvenile detention until shes 18. Good Lord.

My daughter is doing GREAT! She read one of her little books to me this past weekend and I only had to help like once or twice. Yeah, yeah, I friggin cried, wanna make something of it? =)

Hey Scott, hows your little wee one doing?

Well brothers, I wont keep ya, I just had an itchy typing finger or two, so I thought Id pound out a quick update to ya'll

Get back at me guys.---


dad-e~O said...

Interesting Link little known facts about Barack:

He's a smoker!?

Sickboy said...

No, he quit smoking as soon as he got on the campaign trail like 2 years ago. He used Nicorette gum to help him stop, plus he damn well knew it wouldnt look good for his campaign in itself.

Sickboy said...

I honestly knew maybe 5 or 10 of those facts. Pretty cool PJB, thanks for the post

dad-e~O said...

Who would give him shit? about smoking?
The Conservative right? a great many of them make their living off of tobacco, and a great many more still smoke, or love someone who does.
The same can be said of the Dems.
It may not be Politicly incorrect to smoke, but it's a long way away from political suicide.
The dude is black for cryin' out loud! If Americans can see through that, then we can certainly see through a little cigerette smoke.

Sickboy said...

Hey dont shoot the messenger, I can remember him saying it wasnt good for the campaign way back, plus Michelle hated it so he took the chance to quit while he was super extra time to think about lighting up, ya know?