Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Life happens pretty fast....

---and if you dont stop every once in a while to look around, you might just miss it. Anyhow folk, over about the past 18 months or so, I have been playing email tag with a fellow Offmen, Mike Thumm and it has somewhat taught me a few things about friendships. First, its that nothing, time nor space will come between you and a dear pally, thats why I can say Im still tight w/ most of you here. Secondly, a short email from an old friend does wonders for the spirit when youre feelin down and last but not least, it puts things in perspective. Well, for me it has.

It has helped me to see that if I cant take 3 mere mins. out of my daily life every once in a while to send an email to an old pally that just says "Hey",there could be something wrong in my life. Am I runnin too fast, on "the go" too much or have I believed myself when Ive filled my own head full of shit and told myself that Ive out grown certain things.

True friends are for life. Period.

I love gettin email from Thummy it is always a bright spot to my day and it has taught me to slow down and take the time to reply to him and in most cases, come up with a little something to add to our little blog here.

MAKE time for YOURSELF every day if you can boys. Stop what youre doin and just sit or stand there and look around and never forget some of the special people that directly or indirectly may have helped to get ya to where you are in life, especially when it comes to fellow OMI members

At one time in the distant past, we were a strong brotherhood. Once in a while try to grab onto nostalgia again and drop a brother an email or swing over here to the blog and pound out a short little message as to what youre up to and so on.---


dad-e~O said...

that being said, one of the things I appreaciate the most about "True Friends" is the idea that You can Love a friend, even if their everyday life takes them away from you for long periods of time.
ie, I love Woolie Jack, and Mongo. even if I rarely ever communicate with them. I know they are aware of this blog, but I don't hold it against them that they don't contribute.
Shit, Bob lives about 20min from us, but he's got little-ish kids, and he's a busy MF'er. Every time I call him, we talk about needing to get together, but I've got the shop, he's got his stuff.

Would I like it if more people got in touch more often? Yes. but I get it when LIFE get's in the way.

Sickboy said...

Yeah, I should have included that in my message too, but like I said, true friends are for life. Shit, how do you think I feel, with using Bob and Frank as examples, I have not heard from or spoken to them since like 1996!

I know they are out there, somewhere, hopefully makin it happen for themselves and the ones they love, but of course, I miss them a lot too.

I think you and I are diff. though PJB, cuz we had a lot of our "firsts" together (no funny sex jokes here boys). You and I cut our teeth on a lot of the same stuff, both good and bad, at the same time. Even though you are a super successful adult and have been for years now, I can always draw from the feelings I had with you when we were younger.

I would just HATE for something to happen to one of us, leaving the rest of us with a "what if" feeling for the rest of our lives, thats all.

Sickboy said...

Damnit, thought of something else. I think a lot of this thread is just my anti-establishment feelings coming forth.

A LOT of people dont respect me, or look twice at me because I cant work right now and on certain days, its almost impossible to function as a person. Thats why I put so much into the blog, its fun and healthy for me.

Regardless when I return to the full time workforce, I wont do white collar and this time Im not gonna sell who I am short.

Its silly I know, I wont havta have this talk w/ my Ava for years yet, but as of late Ive been runnin through my mind how to tell her safely, not be a conformist

My kids pretty unique and IM NOT just sayin that cuz shes mine. I really mean it. Shes gonna be something special when she gets older.

Sickboy said...

yeah PJB, I hear ya, life does get in the way for all of us at times. After going through so many stints in rehab I have learned that friendships are far more important than money at certain times in life.

Money will almost always be here or there, but you never know what could happen to a dear pally.

Scott said...

There is an old joke that an old friend and my self share and that is; "if offered what would you take The time or the money?"

The joke is if you had the money you could buy the time if you had the time you would find the money.

I personally am astonished and grateful to still have this blog rolling with my friends. It some how retains a very personal connection we have between us. Thanks E for keeping things real.

Sickboy said...

Your little joke is very ironic, yet totally understandable Scott. Thats a keeper.

Yeah, money vs. time can be an odd match, I would much rather have the time, it just seems more rewarding to me. If someone walked up to me and said "Hey, Ill give ya a hundred grand right now to blow on whatever you want or need to but your life will be brought to an abrupt halt by time your 45, what do you want?"

Id think about it for a little bit, Ill admit, but I would have to walk away from the money. Who knows what kinds of troubles or stress it may bring to your life.

Id just take the time and walk away in the end. Plus, what the hell is a guy like me gonna do with a hundred grand anyways? Get more tattoos, set my Mom up w/ some nice stuff? It would all be b.s. in the end.

I just think at times, not always, that people put their burning desire for damn money first in life over so many other things that are so much more important, ya know?

Thanks for the compliment Scott, it means a lot to me to hear an encouraging word coming from one of you guys once in a while. I dunno, Ive kinda made this blog into a baby of mine. I try to take care of it, knowing that someone out there is taking the time to read it.

I just hate to see life get in the way of a dear friendship. Bad things can happen in a moments notice and one of us could be ripped away forever. Im not gonna be the guy here that is stuck sitting there with a handful of money, then knowing one of my dearest friends have left us. I just cant do that, Ive been through too much.

I guess I just dont let life get in the way of really living, ya know? We ALL have to do what we gotta do to survive and make a living, but when you go beyond that and greed sets in, thats when you get the bad news about someone and you feel terrible.

Setting aside my daughter and my therapist, life itself does not dictate what Im gonna do. Life itself is too short.

Anonymous said...

You guys are so sappy- cute...

Sickboy said...

I knee capped the last mother fucker who called me sappy cute. She still needs a cane to walk right!

dad-e~O said...

you kneecapped a chick!?

sp9000 said...

A girl actually stopped by???

Sickboy said...

Yeah, it was a slow week for me and having her "stop by" is almost the same as "placed in trunk", right?