Monday, November 03, 2008

No Politics here!

Thought I would make with a post about life around here that was Politics free.
Tif and I just signed up to do the Hustle up the Hancock. That's a run, up the stairs of the Hancock building in Chicago, we have a little training to do....
Helloween was fun, we gave away like over 1,000 pieces of candy. Jake was Angus Young (of AC/DC) Max was Indiana Jones, Tif was Mother Nature, Dad was a drunken Idiot. Something different this year, when the boys got home I offered them $10 for their candy, "What are you gonna do with it" they asked, "It doesn't matter" I said. "Why do you want to pay me for it" they asked. "Because it's worth the money to know you don't eat it I said"
Only one boy took me up on it.
Business is starting to slow down a bit. which is giving me time to take carre of some of the odd jobs around the shop. we are knocking down some walls, adding some store fixtures and building bikes for next year, we also need to figure out where to keep said bikes.
It looks like Tif is going to go to Bike Geek School, like I did last year.
I think thats about it...

talk at you cats later.


Sickboy said...

Glad to know the biz is still on the up and up.

Good Lord you couldnt force me to run up the stairs of the Hancock. Seriously, fucking shoot me now, no damn way.

I didnt do much for halloween either, was too wrapped up in election stuff, decided my kids future was more important than candy for one year and she understood. We made it up to her though, ten fold.

Scott said...

So are you training on a stair machine. I always wondered what it would be like to make that run, in terms of just how dizzy and disoriented could it make you. Best of luck.

dad-e~O said...

No, no stair machine yet. Some people go to the hospital near our house and run those stairs.
I do run/job and I cycle a fair amount. so I will have to ramp up my training a bit.