Wednesday, November 05, 2008

We did it again.

---Now that the emotional high is starting to slowly wear off of me from last night's victory, I sit here and think that the rest of the World must be thinking "There goes the US, they did it yet again." We shocked the World last night by electing a black President, something, at one point in my life I thought Id never see, let alone my Ava.

Time will tell. Barack will be tested BIG TIME. The World will indeed be watching him, some at close range. We still have time to celebrate for a bit and watch (and pray) that he puts together a decent cabinet. But, we did it again, we made history once more, giving me, on a personal level,a reason to be even more pride filled with this nation than I was say 3 nights ago.

Today I was outside of my ex's shop having a ciggy and my friend Anthony, who is black came out of his apartment which is above my ex's digs and bummed a smokey and asked about what I thought of the election. Tears welled up in both our eyes. We couldnt say anything, we just shook hands and hugged. Anthony then said "It isnt about our colors now Eric" and for the first honest and open time it wasnt. Obama helped him and I to come together as human beings first, but also as Americans. Ill admit, before my Ava was born into this World I had developed some racist habits. Id throw around the word nigger or spic like it was nothing. But remember parents out there...having a child changes everything.

It isnt about color to me now, its about change. Lets all hope President elect Obama can unify this nation as ONE during his term. Lets hope he can get our troops home in 16 months like he wants to, while the Iraqi Govt. sits on a huge surplus of money. Lets hope he can turn our economy around. Lets hope he creates jobs. Lets hope that he gives more fair and equal benefits to the mentally ill, like me.

He will be tested. Lets hope that the change we need has finally come and we can put Bush politics to bed for good.

Im not going to "claim" to be affiliated w/ any political party anymore. Im for the party of hope, of independence and of freedom. Obama taught me that that is OK. The GOP is dead. It is so full of hate it made me ill. I tip my hat to Sen. McCain though for a great run at the prize. Sarah Palin? Thats a whole nother story and Im trying to be nice here.

Good luck Mr. President elect Sir. Now is your time to prove you can shine!---


dad-e~O said...

It will be an interesting few years. the bike biz usually does well in times of recession, the restaurant biz on the other hand, does not.

Scott said...

It certainly is an extraordinary moment in history. I hope our generation has the will to take this moment and build the tomorrow we have hope for in our harts.

Sickboy said...

I think hes gonna do it. I think he is for real and I think its gonna be hard work for Pres. elect Obama and we may get frustrated at times, but I feel in the end, hes gonna change this nation forever.