Sunday, January 25, 2009

I dont like Sundays!

---At least with the weekdays I have some structure around whats going on and what Im up to but I cannot STAND these lazy Sundays. I know for most of you this means little or nothing at all. PJB, youre at work during the day and Scott, I think on most weekends, you have an extra set of hands around the house which may give you a few simple hours here and there to chill and get other home tasks done. Like I said, this doesnt apply to all of us. Steve, you also may be at, or getting ready to go to work for the evening. I like my Sundays for sleeping in in some cases, even though in reality, it rarely does happen, especially when you are awoken to a fresh layer of snow like I was this AM (3 inches, no big deal, but enough to shovel and wipe off the cars). I rarely see Ava on Sundays because that is usually Ava and Mommy day which I totally respect. It is one of their more quiet days and Im not about to tread upon it even though once in a great while Ill get invited over, but no such luck today.

I at this moment sorta at least wish it was late Spring or even early Summer (as much as I dislike Summer) so I could sit outside w/ a choice beverage and read a book or something. Reading while stuck in my bedroom for the afternoon just doesnt have the same effect. There isnt much to do on the p.c. I could be emailing McAfee right now and rip them up one wall and down the other as to why my virus protection is seemingly not working right, but I really dont feel like it, even though I just extended my coverage with them.

Ah, lazy Sunday's, ya just cant get away from them sometimes. At least I have stuff shaking down this coming week.

Get back at me and have a good week gentlemen.---


dad-e~O said...

I spent my sunday doing the normal thing, but yesterday (tues) is my regular day off, I knocked down the dressing rooms at the shop, we are expanding our sales area, but cutting back on apparel, instead of paying someone to do the deconstruction, I got to do it myself.
I sawzalled the walls into carryable peices, lugged them to the trash, then spackled the damage. kinda fun, when I'm done I'll post pics

Sickboy said...

yeah, please do post pics, that sounds like a lot of fun.