Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Mother fuck McAfee!!!

---So, as some of you may have known, I was recently on the hunt for some new anti-virus software. Well, McAfee had already come w/ my p.c. when I bought it, so they sent me a "You cant lose" deal once my initial free subscription had expired. Needless to say I bit. All was well, I was getting what I THOUGHT was an out standing product at a great annual price.

As soon as I downloaded it, things on the ole p.c. here started getting odd. Whenever I'd go to open my virus protection center it was nothing but a blank window. I uninstalled, reinstalled and emailed McAfee. Nothing fixed it and they never got back to me.

Then today, my Firefox browser took a shit. I am currently running Firefox in "safe mode" and even w/ that I still get several error boxes whenever I open a new browser window, something about "Chrome failure". I looked this up and did exactly what the Firefox website said to do to try to fix it and it did nothing to help.

THEN one of my Dell programs took a shit later today. Its a rather useful Dell program too, it can be used to detect when a new driver may be needed to install on your system, its basically a driver detective for Dell systems. Ive uninstalled this too, but am afraid as of now to try and reinstall it.

Im being childish and immature and blaming this all on McAfee. Ive emailed them and asked for a full refund. But to be 110% honest, NONE of this shit started to happen UNTIL I downloaded the new McAfee program. McAfee has been totally uninstalled from my system and I am currently running the free version of AVG's anti virus software. Ive used it before and never had problems with it being free. It runs a pretty deep scan and catches Trojans just like any other virus protection. I understand Trojans are the most common "viral" type problem around. It also has auto updates. When I get some green next month, Ill upgrade to their pro version for 40 bucks a year.

Sometimes, owning a p.c. sucks donkey pee pee---


dad-e~O said...

Sounds like you got a virus instead.. lame,
I just managed to clean my desktop, and now I have some other thing going on, so today when I get to the shop I will run the detailed virus scan, what a pain,
I suppose it's my own fault, not all the sites I frequent are considered "Safe"...

Sickboy said...

Yeah, Im not terribly worried about running w/out a virus protection even though right now I still am. I go to about 6 or 7 sites a day, not counting this blog and I know those sites well and know they are safe. A few of those sites are blogs themselves.

Youre right though, they can be a pain in the ass with all these asshats throwing viruses around like they do.

Have a good one PJ.

Sickboy said...

I just got the email from McAfee this afternoon, they are actually gonna refund my debit card the 35 bones, no questions asked! I guess there is still a little justice left out there for the little guy.