Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Winter sets in

---How goes it fellas? We got about 6 inches of the white fluff from Sunday night into Monday morning and now it is just friggin freezing. The high here today is like -2. Supposed to be "warmer" tomorrow, then back to single digits for Thursday. Whatever, it hasnt bothered me as of yet, well, not totally, I just hate trying to get in a car where both front doors have been wind blown and frozen shut. I just use a butter knife and run it around the part where the door meets the car and that knocks the ice loose and doesnt damage the door seal, but man, my car was very pissed off at being forced to start this AM, but she did after all.

I think the ex is gonna buy a condo and she wants all this input from me. Im not really for it so Ive just been nice and have been playing along. I dont wanna be the asshat who tells her that I think its a bad idea.

Along with my daughter's help. I have recently become obsessed with dinosaurs and Ive been doing a fair amount of studying on them so my kid cant one up me when we talk about them. She knows A LOT about them! Its almost frightening. I honestly, at times think that we may have a future paleontologist on our hands here, which is kinda exciting. She just turned 6 last week, but the kid is so far beyond the general comprehension and learning ability of a 6 year old.

Besides battling w/ Ava over dinosaurs, things have been more or less quiet here. Yesterday, I called an official "Snow day" for myself so I went out and shoveled early, then came in, dried off and put on sweat pants and did nothing the rest of the day. In fact, I was in bed by 8 last night. I feel very rested today and it feels great!

So, whats the haps w/ you guys? Hows the snow over there? Hows the biz PJB? I looked at all your pics you posted Scott and there are some great candid shots in there, your wife definitely has a feel for it.

So, whats up? Do tell.....---


dad-e~O said...

i am working hard, and hardly working.
we joined a small gym nearby, so i get over there most days for at least an hour, run, lift, stretch.
i'm trying to loose some weight before riding season.
the shop is pretty slow, so it's project time.
i looked at our opening day pics, and can barely beleive it's the same place.

dad-e~O said...

it's wicked fuckin' cold

Sickboy said...

Yeah, I hate to hear ya say it, but I figured the shop would be slow right now. Glad you are going to a gym. Ive done that w/ my ex's shop by comparing opening day pics to the way it is now and its almost like it isnt the same place. Its a real trip.

Yeah, the cold here is almost like it has a wicked purpose of driving some insane. Right now its snowing like a mofo and Thursday the high here is like -5, looking at like 35, 40 below temps. w/ the wind chill. Just plain stupid ass cold. No way in hell am I going out Thursday, forget it.

Scott said...

We have two teeth emerging in this house, consequently we also have thrice the cranky... Ugh!

steve butt said...

it has been fairly chilly, but i can usually wear a short sleeve shirt during the day. at night the chicken water freezes.

Sickboy said...

Ah, the cutting of teeth. Yeah, that can be rough on everyone.

Hi Steve! Quit teasing us with your short sleeved shirt talk, tomorrow its supposed to be 45 below here with the wind chills.

Scott said...

Tehehehe, "chicken water"

dad-e~O said...

um, what's chicken water?

steve butt said...

the water that my chickens drink. Julia is on another farm kick. we have 12 chickens, 9 rabbits, 2 goats, 4 dogs, 4 cats, and 4 peacocks. i could have said animal water, but liked the sound of chicken water better.

Sickboy said...

do you eat them once their usefulness runs out?

steve butt said...


dad-e~O said...

I know that they eat Dog and Cat in Asia, and you being the "Enlightened" sort, that doesn't surprise me.... much,
but I really want to know.

how does peacock taste?
All kidding aside, that sounds like fun, since you live in a warm climate, it probably doesn't suck to wake up the ass crack of dawn to feed your critters.

do you guys make Goat Cheese?

Sickboy said...

Ive never had goat cheese, nor will I ever do so. Thats pretty cool Steve that you raise some of your food like that.

Im like a lot of people, Ill damn well eat it, as long as it isnt or can become a pet. Id never eat a cat or dog, Im too attached to their domestication, not to mention if someone brought something like that up in front of my daughter theyd be picking their teeth up off the floor. She kinda understands that we eat cow and pigs and chicken and that they have to die in order for us to do so, but no, she loves her kittens (she just got 2 new ones)and dreams of owning a dog someday so I wouldnt like it at all if someone brought that up to her.

Asia, along w/ its dog and cat eating people, can kiss my ass.

Scott said...

Me too, how does peacock taste? I love the sound of Chicken water, its the best!

We used to raise rabbits for food. for a kid it was great, four drum sticks!