Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Just saying stuff...

---Hello boys, I havent actually wasted any of your time by blogging here in quite a while, so I figured what the heck. Scott, your pics are still rockin and its nice to have ya back PJB. It was also nice to see Steve and even Franko drop in for a line or three.

Nothing spectacular goes on here. Today its gonna be sunny w/ a high of 55. BUT, we has a sayin here in good ole Iowa, "If you dont like the weather just wait 5 mins. and it'll change". Tomorrow we go back to craptastic weather w/ rain, possibly freezing rain, then possibly a few inches of snow. Spring very well may be on the doorstep now, but old man winter aint gonna give in without a fight, he never does.

Ive just been up to the usual as of late, hanging w/ Ava and the ex. Helping her through a rough spot too. She got rejected for her first shot at her home loan from one lender, so shes gonna go directly through her bank now which had her preapproved to begin with so I dunno why she just didnt do that in the 1st place.

The winter (or my medication topped w/ my laziness) has caused me to put some pounds back on. Im back up to around 175-178ish. Doesnt make me super happy but as soon as the weather breaks, outdoor activities, including nightly walks around the area after dinner will be a must for me. And yes dangit, Im still a wuss and havent given up the smoking thing yet either, I just get soo freaked out when I think about no longer having that psychological crutch in my life. I mean I base it around so much. Getting nervous, I smoke. After a meal, I smoke. First thing in the AM and last thing of the day, yet again, yes, I smoke. Smoke, smoke, smoke.

Well, boys its nice to blog again, hope to get some replies soon, love yas.---


dad-e~O said...

I have been trying to lose some weight, and managed to go 2-3 weeks without getting on a scale, or eating sweets, but working out pretty regularly. When I finally got back on the scale before my trip, Iwas down to 199 which is where I want to be, sub 200. Of course I ate like a hog for the last 4 days, so I'm afraid to see how much ground I lost.

Sickboy said...

Yeah, I only go near the scale when I go see my meds. dr. which is once every 4 or 5 weeks so I kinda keep a mental note running. Today when I went I was up to 183 but I had my steel toed shoes on and my chain driven wallet and about 3 bucks worth of change in my pocket so in my mind I took off about 5 lbs. but that still doesnt make me happy.

I know I dont eat as well as I should, but I honestly dont worry about that all too much cuz when Im here during the week, I eat fine, its the weekends that get food, pizza Saturday nights and so on, not to mention I drink those super "energy" canned coffee beverages like they are going out of style and they are loaded w/ carbs and sugars.

Sickboy said...

By the way, dont sweat the eating like a hog thing PJB, you made it under 200 once, you sure as heck can do it again then, no problem! =)

Scott said...

Some how it seems that having kids around does not help ones weight. I mean the pressure to have an easy less than healthy meal abounds, and frankly they happen more often than I care to admit. Lousy MacD's. It's all a struggle for me as well, boys.

Sickboy said...

Yeah I concur Scott. When youre w/ the kid(s) the healthy shot at a good meal goes way down. On weekends when I spend most of my time w/ Ava its all about fast food. Granted, its fun and can taste good, but it kills ya in the weight dept.