Monday, February 09, 2009

Small Talk.

---Well, I honestly dont wanna take away from Scott's great picture adventure here on the OMI blog for this month, so Ill try to keep this one short. Scott, your "28 days" project is the best thing this blog has yet to see. Period.

We are currently under the spell of a early Feb. heatwave and I hope it has hit you guys over there too! Weve been near or above 50, 55 degrees since this past Saturday and tomorrow its supposed to be 55 again, but by this week's end back down into the 30s where its supposed to be for this time of year. Im really starting to wonder if the big snowfall action is gonna pass us by for this winter! I checked an Iowa weather almanac online here and the most snow weve had on the ground here in Des Moines at once has only been around 5.5 inches this season. We can all say, being people from the Midwest that that aint shit, ya know? I figure if ya make it to the 2nd week of March or so, you can start to say youve made it through and the coast starts to look clear as far as no more major snow. Id like to think that we are done with the major arctic cold snaps for the season already. No more below zeros please.

I havent been up to much. Im gonna try to get some pics of the ex's shop tomorrow to post here later this week. She just admitted to me late last week that once she gets in the groove of her new home for a while and some other things get taken care of, shes gonna start to look for a new location for her shop or just go back to strictly online sales again since shed have space to store inventory and then some in her basement at her new digs. Thats how she got her start anyways, w/ the online thing and now she still does that even today on top of the actual shop.

My daughter is doing great, no bad news to report there. Shes become a little Nintendo Wii master, the little bugger, shes better than I am at most games.

Well, I guess Ill hit the sack. So much for a short email, sorry boys! Where are ya PJB? You OK?

Scott, please keep the awesome photos coming for the month!!!

Chat soon my brothers, love yas.---


Scott said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence Eric! Its great to have friends to share ones life with. I look forward to some of your own pics!

Sickboy said...

Oh gosh, not a problem at all Scott. Your photo idea really has inspired me to come up with some more ideas in due time.

dad-e~O said...

I too am very much enjoying the pics.
All well here, the unexpected warm snap has given us a little boost, so I'm a little busy trying to make hay when the sun shines