Friday, February 13, 2009

What a difference a day makes!

---Just yesterday at this time it was nearly 50 degrees and sunny. These two shots were just taken outside off the front stoop of my place. Snow is falling at a rate of about an inch an hour. Its quite beautiful actually. Its real light and fluffy too so clean up later should be super easy! You guys enjoy your weekend. I guess a portion of this storm is forecasted to hit you guys sometime early tomorrow AM. Enjoy.---


Scott said...

It's 8:05 and has been snowing for around a half hour or so... Friday.

Sickboy said...

Eh, I see this has been a fast mover then huh? Its all but done snowing here (815) and we ended up w/ about 6 inches, our largest snowfall of the season, so weve been lucky this winter I guess. Cleanup in the AM shouldnt be too bad before I head out for the day, the snow is pretty fluffy on this end.

Already shoveled the walk way, just gotta take a gander at the driveway and dust off the cars really.

Have a good weekend Scott. I hope you dont have much to shovel, even though for some odd reason, I bet you dont mind, you enjoy the workout! =)