Thursday, November 02, 2006

got an hour or so to kill?

this video is EXTREMLY interesting
it's about the lack of actual law supporting the IRS's ability to collect income tax's from you and me.
I'f you've got the time, check it out. I would love to hear/read your thoughts.


Mark M said...

Whoa... that's nearly two hours. I don't think I'll be watching the whole thing. A little info on the video...
It was made by a guy named Aaron Russo, former Libertarian Party candidate for U.S. President (and producer of the movie Trading Places). On several issues, I agree with the Libertarians, but they lose me with their extreme anti-tax platform.

According to Wikipedia, the 16th Amendment was ratified by 38 of the 48 states, exceeding the three-quarters requirement. The income tax is legal, regardless of what Russo wants you to believe.

I'm not sure why so many ordinary people dislike the income tax. It is a progressive tax, so it makes the average American's share of the tax disproportionally small. People who earn an income near the poverty level pay no federal income tax at all, and so abolishment of the income tax would hurt them, on balance, because government would need to cut services and replace lost tax revenue with a more regressive tax. The winners would be the wealthiest 1% of Americans (people like Russo) who pay the lion's share of the income tax, which would tend to contradict Russo's suggestion that the income tax was a fraud perpetrated by wealthy bankers.

Scott said...

Hey buddy if Mark does not have time, than I most certainly don’t. However I did watch a little and I was struck by the absolute certainty in language used in Mr. Russo's narration. I must confess that I quickly lose confidence in people one who speak in such absolutes.

Mark, as usually your research is brilliant. After watching what little I did of the film I pondered for a moment weather or not I was really bothered by the Federal Income Tax, and I have to agree with you that most of the time I see it as a necessary evil. However I do get nervous now and again when politicians either attempt to or succeed in pushing a greater burden of the tax upon the middle class.

dad-e~O said...

the interesting part was the middle (it started pretty lamely). part of it explaining how the income tax essentially pays interest on the national debt, (according to Russo)which is owed to the Federal Reserve (a priavetly held company) and how the Supreme court has judged the tax code un-consititutional. And how the IRS has repeatedly refused to prove to anyone in writing where the laws dictating income tax come from. and according to Russo, roads are built by gas taxes, schools are primarly funded by property taxes, the military was not very well explained as I recall.
Admitadly all of the "experts" were from the same party (R).

I'm not saying I plan to stop paying taxes, but I do strongly support a system that takes into acount not just earnings, but spending. A national Sales tax for example would seize an assload of illegealy (or unclaimed ie. tips) earned money
i would agree about your comment about absoulotes, they are dangerous and often evil, but (again acording to Russo) many inocent people have been wrongly punished for violating income tax laws (Joe Lewis' story was in the movie)

dad-e~O said...

my primary reason for posting this link was not to convince you of it's wisdom, but to learn from your input, Mark you didn't let me down with your quick and efficient research. who do you feel passionate about in the upcoming local election.

Scott said...

It has been great food for thought, thanks Pete. I will have to dig alittle deeper into the film, time permitting.

Mark M said...

Peter, thanks for the additional info on the film. I readily admit I did not watch the whole thing.

As for who I support in LOCAL elections... Hey, I live in Chicago! I can either vote for a Democrat -- or nobody!

dad-e~O said...

E, no comments on this? WTF?