Thursday, November 09, 2006

A how to......

How to Prevent and Treat Dandruff

"John, why do you have this wikiHow article bookmarked? You don't have dandruff." "Exactly, Susan. Exactly."Dandruff, a condition characterized by flaking, itchy scalp, is one of the most common dermatogical conditions. Fortunately, while the exact cause of dandruff is not known, there are some things you can do to reduce your risk of getting it, and effective treatments are available. So if it looks like a winter storm is following you--and only you--around everywhere, read on.
Eat a healthy, balanced diet. As if you needed another reason to eat right, it turns out that a healthy diet may ward off the flakes. Make sure to get plenty of zinc, Omega-3 fatty acids, and B-vitamin, and avoid excessive yeast and sugar. Research suggests that dandruff is at least in part caused by a fungus that thrives in yeasty, fatty, sugary environments. Though this does not neccesarily directly affect the conditions of your skin, your overall health will help with how your body responds to the fungus causing the dandruff.
Don't worry, be happy. Stress challenges the body's defenses and encourages all sorts of ailments, including dandruff, so relax now and don't worry about wearing a black shirt tomorrow.
Limit your use of hair styling products. Hairspray, mousse, and gel may contribute to dandruff in some people. They may also cause excessive drying of the skin, which can cause flaking--or trigger allergic reactions. If you notice dandruff soon after you begin to use a new product, chances are the product is to blame.


dad-e~O said...

luckily, not one of the plethora of problems I have.

Scott said...

I recently gave up Diet Coke to fix minor medical issue... No further details, this product messed with an unspeakable area on my body.

Sickboy said...

yeah scott, I dont wanna know, I can only imagine.