Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I think its a load of bull that the guy feels he was picked on because he is a Muslim "convert" or whatever, but hell, for 2 million the Govt. can falsely accuse me of being a terrorist too....

PORTLAND, Oregon (CNN) -- An Oregon lawyer wrongly arrested and accused of involvement in the 2004 Madrid train bombings has settled a lawsuit against the U.S. government for $2 million, attorneys told CNN on Wednesday.

Brandon Mayfield was arrested in Portland, Oregon, on a material witness warrant in May 2004, less than two months after the train bombings.

The settlement was confirmed by both sides. It was reached Tuesday during a conference with a federal judge, attorneys said.

The FBI identified Mayfield's fingerprint on a blue plastic bag containing detonators found in a van used by the bombers. However, the FBI's fingerprint identification was wrong and Mayfield was released several days later.

Mayfield and his family later sued the U.S. government for damages. The Portland-area attorney contended that he was a victim of profiling because he is a Muslim convert.


dad-e~O said...

clever semi-humerous comment deleted by author for being VERY politicly incorrect

Sickboy said...

Aw come on now, dont leave us hanging....

Sickboy said...

You have to tell me now, the anticipation is killin me....what were you thinkin?

Sickboy said...

I just think in this day and age, we have to be weary of ALL Muslims inside and outside of the US. Im not saying ALL Muslims are evil, but most of them are. Most of them would love to see the U.S. collapse and fail and we have to be very dilligent if we want to continue to live the way we do here without constantly being under threat.

dad-e~O said...

Eric, I am genuinly absolutly flabergasted at your response. your talking about the largest relegion in the world, their are Muslims in virtuly every country arund the globe. to make a blanket statement saying that most of them are evil!!! come on.
It's a relegion. All religions have extremists. lets say for the sake of argument that Extremists make up 10% of a religion. lets put it into real life terms. if we were to remove 10% of a swimming pool (Muslims) it may take up your bathroom, but if you were to remove 10% of your bathtub (Baptists) full of water you yould barely be able to fill your sink.

Sickboy said...

Yes, your point is well seen, but have you noticed that out of all the Muslim leaders (or so called leaders) in the world, NONE of them ever step up to try and downplay the violent behavior their faith brings. NO one ever steps up to admit its wrong, no one ever tries to make matters better.

Scott said...

So if 10% of all Muslim’s are considered extremist then that is an awful lot of potential terror.

Scott said...

In my own non academic observation, of an odd contradiction; the so called “Liberal Media” spending so much time reporting on violence constructed by Muslim’s around the world. It does leave me second guessing my own intelligence. Are Muslim’s generating more religious based violence around the world or does our media have it out for them?

Scott said...

Why is it just so hard to make friends with our Muslim neighbors, Don’t they like our bombers flying over there houses? I think the B2 is a really cool looking aircraft. So another question would be, of all of us on this earth who has balls big enough to extend an olive branch of peace????

Sickboy said...

I have not seen my share of B52s from the ground, but I think it would be a lovely view, they are cool lookin aircraft.

dad-e~O said...

Scott, 10% was a nice round easy to talk about (theoretical) number. not in any way factual.
The news orginizations (Liberal or otherwise) are profit based buisness. they bring what sells. and what is currently on the minds of the consumer. but they also tell the consumer what should be on their minds. it's very slick.
America does not have a great history of offering the olive branch.
E, the muslim leaders have absolutly to reason to "step up to try and downplay the violent behavior their faith brings." cause they don't really care what the world out side of their faith thinks. I'm not saying it's right, but the rest of the world is considered infedels, and not worthy of consideration. they lead by a mandate from heaven, what difference should it make to them what we care?
Since 1946(ish) we have been sticking our nose into their world by forcing a devision of palestine and the formation of isreal. displacing countless families and sacred sites. this is where the trouble started.
Don't forget that BinLaden and company was trained to kill by the cia.

dad-e~O said...

oh and during the "dark ages" christains and europeans were consistantly barging through the middle east on crusades. forcing people to convert or killing them. filling the coffers of the church.

Scott said...

Either way it is all rather bleak.

Martin said...

the cia didn't train or fund bin laden. they did train and fund indiginous tribes to fight against the soviets, but the foreign arab jihadists, like bin laden, funded themselves and brought their own fighters, much like they are doing in Iraq. this is different than the sectarian violence being perpetrated by actual Iraqi's
And appearantly muslims DO care what the infidels think, because everytime there is some unfavorable mention about Muhammad or how their religion is based on conversion by subjigation, they start burning shit.
"How dare you say that our religion perpetrates violence! Take that back or we'll kill you!"