Wednesday, November 08, 2006

In the news.....

Democrats Take Control of House; Senate Hangs on Virginia and Montana

Published: November 8, 2006
Democrats seized control of the House of Representatives and defeated at least four Republican senators yesterday, riding a wave of voter discontent with President Bush and the war in Iraq.

Eliot Spitzer, who was elected governor of New York, celebrated in Manhattan.
But the fate of the Senate remained in doubt this morning, as races for Republican-held seats in Montana and Virginia remained too close to call as Election Day turned into the day after. Democrats would need both seats to win control of the Senate as well.

In Montana, Senator Conrad Burns, a Republican, was trailing Jon Tester, a Democrat, by a narrow margin. The race in Virginia — between another Republican incumbent, Senator George Allen, and Jim Webb, his Democratic challenger — was so close that some officials said it would have to be resolved by a recount.


dad-e~O said...

as conservative as I am.
I just hope that the dems get the war over without inacting any other sweeping changes.

Sickboy said...

yeah, Ima worried about that and immigration laws. I just hope they dont open up the borders for all these damn illegals to hop on over.

but yeah, maybe change is good here. I doubt it, but just maybe.

I dont have my hopes up.

Scott said...

Even more news worthy? "Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld stepped down as defense secretary on Wednesday"

Sickboy said...

indeed he has. I have no clue who this Bob Gates is, the guy takin his place.

dad-e~O said...

WOW. 86 rumsfeld, WOW.
Eric, I don't know what to tell you about the border. building a giant wall certainly isn't going to get the jobs that americans won't do, done.

Scott said...

Some one should talk about just why most Americans won't take these jobs... Some how the phrase “jobs that Americans won't do” always seems to sound like laziness, and I suspect this laziness is only a micro fraction of that equation.

dad-e~O said...

certainly a debatable point Scott, but... when was the last time you saw an american, adult, in Chicago cutting someone elses lawn, doing dishes, bussing tables, moping a floor... ect.ect.ect.

Martin said...

Problem is, those are not the only jobs that illegals are taking over. They are migrating more towards the skilled trades jobs as well, like construction, which I also did for 4 years to pay the bills. I personally know several people still in the trades that make a living in construction. They love their jobs and want to stay in that field, but the companies they work for can't compete with the lower wages illegals are willing to accept.
Americans won't do these other jobs, not because they're lazy, but because they don't want to pick lettuce for sweatshop wages. Maybe we should have convicts doing these jobs for minimum wage so they can pay for their room and board and whatever is left over can be put into a savings account so when they get out of prison they have a fund to get themselves set up so they don't have to go right back to jacking car stereos for rent money.
Another problem is the hemmorhaging of billions of dollars sent from illegal workers back to their countries of origin. Not to mention strain on the health care, education systems.

Martin said...

Oh, by the way Peter, don't count on the Dems not enacting any other sweeping changes. Remember, Bush is only in office for another 2 years. This shift in congress will be felt for years to come. The dems will be ruling for seveal years, as they will almost definately take the white house in 08.
for any republican who crossed the aisle in the last election solely because they didn't like Bush, I'll leave you with the words of Indira Gandhi:"The immediate is often the enemy of the ultimate."

dad-e~O said...

Mike, on your first post, thats an interesting take, and certainly a creative way to solve a problem, but having worked with convicts in a kitchen, I can tell you there is a motivation issue, when there is no chance of furthering your carrer there is little reason to excell. The market is a little screwed to say the least. and our consumerist economy is only getting more extreme.
My 10 year old want's an I-Pod and Cell phone for his birthday.
on your second post. you are absolutly right, and had I read your post before going to my polling place it may have given me pause. but our country cannot be run by the religous right, it's just un-american. and I felt it was time to make a choice, yes I want law abiding citizens to be allowed to have guns, and I think a national minimum wage is a bad Idea, but I also think that a government mandate on what gay marriage is a slippery slope (pardon the dirty pun). All politics is about priorities.