Friday, November 10, 2006

Internet problems

I am turning again to my comrades in OMI for some computer help.
Pop-ups. Is there a way to block them effectivly. I am currently using Windows Explorer and until recently had no problems, but no I get a distrbing amount of them. Some are even loud and fairly obnoxios. Not to mention annoying.


Sickboy said...

I have internet explorer 7 and that comes with a built in pop up blocker that works like a charm.

Scott said...

I use Mozilla Firefox, its free. I personaly find that it is not only faster than IE, but also better organized. I have not had a pop-up in... it has been a very long time.

dad-e~O said...

where do I get it Scott? and does it come with a Hard drive cleaner, some of the pop ups are clainming I need to "clean my hard drive" and none of the assecories built into windows seems to have that function.
yea E, the pop up blocker seems to work when the boys are logged onto this machine and at work, but not for me.

Scott said...

Sickboy said...

the claim that you are needing to clean your hard drive are prolly just ads trying to sucker you into buying something, I wouldnt worry about that.

Scott said...

Pete, Eric is right stay away from that hard drive cleaner shit. I have never heard of such a thing. Sounds like a scam to me.

dad-e~O said...

that's kinda what I thought

Martin said...

I can vouch for firefox, I like it and love the tabbed browsing feature. Although I hear that a lot of other browsers have integrated that feature. I also like their answer to MS Outlook, Thunderbird. They also have a beta version of a scheduling/time management app called Sunbird
Anyway, there should be a pop-up on IE7. When you log in under your account on your machine the preferences may be saved differently on the browser
To add another voice to the choir, those pop-ups about cleaning your hard drive are bullshit. If you click on those you'll probably get spyware that is a total pain in the ass to remove.
If you want freeware that can deal w/ spyware, viruses etc, here's what I like:
Avast AVG for anti-virus. That's what I set up on Mo's laptop and it seems to work pretty well.
Since you can run multiple anti spyware you should probably have a couple. I have Ad-Aware, spybot and spyware doctor.
My machine is clean with these, even with the porn heavy,peer to peer file "sharing" activity I do.
But of course, YMMV.

dad-e~O said...

can I "share" your software?
thanks for the follow up mike.

dad-e~O said...

whats YMMV?

Scott said...

"Your Mileage May Vary"

which is way easier than


dad-e~O said...

OK, I'll bite, whats :
mean anyway

Scott said...

Pete, I found it here while looking for the Martin's acronym.

IITYWTMWYBMAD, means "If I Tell You What This Means Will You Buy Me a Drink?"

Any how it seemed funny when I found it this morning.

dad-e~O said...

uhhh, OK,
It's fun to see what amuses us after while under the infulence, of sleepyness or drink, or what have you.

dad-e~O said...

I downloaded Firefox, and am having good results thus far. thanks for the tip.
I now remember Mike using FireFox once when I was at his house one evening. Tabbed browsing is cool