Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Its almost 75 degrees here today. Is anyone else enjoying this indian summer like weather?

In a way it kind of makes me long for the cold. I am not a huge fan of winter but I like the feeling of cabin fever at times. The feeling of curling up under a favorite blanket or putting on your favorite cold weather gear is always nice. I also think coffee tastes better in the winter for some psychological reason. I dont like what snow does to the roads and the temperatures, but it sure is pretty to look at.


dad-e~O said...

yes, I am definatlly enjoying the weather. I just got back from a 38 mile ride. I'm only about 30 miles short of my goal for the year. but your right about sort-of longing for winter.
I don't know about the coffee thing. I love coffee all year. But I suppose certain drinks are definatly seasonal to me. I only drink Gin in the summer for example.

Sickboy said...

Wow PJ, thats kick ass news about you being so close to your year goal for riding! Good work brother!

Yeah, I definitley have certain tastes for certain seasons. I usually only do ice cream in the summer too. During the winter, I think I eat more red meat also, but the coffee thing definitley sticks out in my mind.

Sickboy said...

Whoops, didnt finish my post...I guess its OK to long for winter in a way yet at the same time enjoy these warmer temps. because we both damn well know winter IS right around the corner and once it gets here it will kick our ass. 2 months from now it will be 30 below and who knows how much of the white stuff could be on the ground by then?!?!?!

Scott said...

Hopefully lots!!! Of snow. Is 36" to much to ask for?

Sickboy said...

yes Scott, 36" is a tad on the deeeeeeep end of things. It would be kinda cool though to be all locked up inside during that storm though. Ah hell, you would have to get out in something like that. Maybe not in a car though.....

dad-e~O said...

36' is pussy shit, compared to where I grew up. NW Ohio's snow belt. that was a minimum. parking lots looked like mountains.

Scott said...

I am thinking 8 months might be a nice period to recover, and forget.

Pete, I am jealous of your snow filled youth.